2、There is a man. 变复数句 3、That is a goose.变复数句 4、I am a boy. 变一般疑问句

5、She is a girl .变一般疑问句 6、Tis is her desk. 变一般疑问句 7、They are my friends.变一般疑问句 8、There is a book on the desk.变一般疑问句写出下列单词反义词:big---( ) fat----( ) good---( ) here---( ) those--- ( )

2 there are some boys 3 those are some geese4 Are you a boy ?5 Is she a girl ?6 Is this her desk ?7 Are they your friends ?8 Is there a book on the desk ? small thin bad there these
第1个回答  2014-02-26
2、There are some men. 3、Those are geese 4、Am I a boy? 5、Is she a girl?6、Is this her desk?7、Who are them? big---(small ) fat----(thin ) good---(bad) here---(there ) those--- (these )8、Is there a book on the desk?