

系动词,亦称连系动词(Link Verb)。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,亦称补语(形容词),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。


(1) 状态系动词:只有be一词。如:
She is alwayslike that. 她总是那样。
I am used togoing about alone. 我习惯于独来独往。
These shoesare too tight for me. 这双鞋我穿太小。
(2) 持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep,remain, stay, lie, stand。如:
I hope you’llkeep fit. 我希望你身体好。
Healways kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。
The door remained closed. 门仍然关着。
We can remainfriends. 我们可以继续做朋友。
Please stay seated. 请继续坐着。
He stayed single. 他仍然是单身。
(3) 表像系动词:表示“看起来好像”,主要有seem,appear, look等。如:
Helooks tired. 他看起来很累。
He seems (to be) quite happy. 他好像很快活。
The doctorseemed very capable. 那医生似乎很能干。
He appeared quite well. 他显得身体相当好。
He appeared taken aback. 他似乎很吃惊。
She appeared perplexed. 她显得迷惑不解。
(4) 感官系动词:表示“……起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来,吃起来)等。如:
Thiskind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布摸起来很软。
He lookshonest, but actually he’s a rogue. 他看起来很老实,实际他是一个坏蛋。
They all lookalike to me. 他们的模样我看起来都一样。
Everybodyfeels contented. 每个人都感到很满足。
Ice feels cold. 冰感觉起来是凉的。
Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑。
It sounds agood idea. 这听起来是个好主意。
This foodtastes good. 这菜好吃。
(5) 变化系动词:表示主语变成什么样,主要有become,grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run如:
Hebecame mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。
She had grown thinner and thinner. 她越来越瘦了。
His cold was growing worse. 他的感冒越来越严重了。
She’s growing fat. 她正在发胖。
He’s grown used to it. 他对此已经习惯。(这个’s 是has)
When she saw this, she turned red. 她看到这,脸红了。
His hair turned grey in a few weeks. 在几个星期中他头发就变灰白了。
The milk will soon turn sour. 牛奶很快就会变酸。
Severalpeople fell ill, victims of blood poisoning. 几个人生病了,都是血中毒的受害者。
We get wiseras we get old. 随着年岁的增长,我们也变得聪明些了。
Your hair has gone quite white! 你的头发全白了!
She went pale at the news. 听到这消息,她脸色变得苍白。
When I mentioned it to him he went red. 我对他提及此事时他脸红了。
He went mad. 他疯了。
The children must not go hungry. 孩子们不能挨饿。
(6) 终止系动词:主要有prove,turn out(结果是,证明是)等。如:
Hisstory proved false. 他讲的情况原来是假的。
His adviceproved sound. 他的劝告证明是对的。
My intuitionturned out to be correct. 我的直觉证明是对的。

His English is excellent. 他的英语很棒。(跟形容词)
He is a famous poet. 他是著名诗人。(跟名词)
Money isn’t everything.金钱不是一切。(跟代词)
She was the first to arrive.她是第一个到达的人。(跟数词)
Who is upstairs? 谁在楼上?(跟副词)
He is with his friends. 他和朋友在一起。(跟介词短语)
He seems to be ill. 他似乎病了。(跟不定式)
Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。(跟动名词)
This is what you need. 这就是你需要的。(跟从句)

误:His English is verywell. 他的英语很好。(应将well改为good)
误:Be carefully. 小心点。(应将carefully改为careful)
误:The soup tastes nicely. 这汤味道不错。(应将nicely改为nice)
但是,有时连系动词后也可接副词作表语,不过这主要限于in, on, off,out, away, behind, up, down, over, through, around, round, below, inside,outside 等少数副词以及here, there, upstairs,downstairs等少数表示地点或方位的副词:
Mother wasn’t in last night. 母亲昨晚不在家。
The meeting was over at five. 会议五点结束。
Come along. The taxi is outside. 来吧,出租车在外面。
Mother is downstairs waiting for you. 母亲在楼下等你。
My dream is to be a scientist. 我的梦想是当一名科学家。
All I could do was to wait. 我只能等。
My plan was to go from Londonto Paris. 我计划从伦敦去巴黎。
I was to have seen Mr Kay. 我本要去见凯先生的。
(2) seem,appear, prove, continue, turn out, get, grow, come 等连系动词后也可接不定式(尤其是to be)作表语:
She always seems to be sad. 她常常显得很忧伤。
My advice proved to be wrong. 我的意见证明是错的。
She appears to have many friends. 他好像有很多朋友。
The weather turned out to be fine. 天气结果很好。
Circumstances continue to be favorable. 情况仍然是有利的。
He has grown to like studying English. 他渐渐喜欢学英语了。
【注】若所接不定式为to be,通常可以省略。不过,若其后接的是表语形容词,则to be通常不宜省略。另外,连系动词look后能否接to be似乎尚有争论,不过,在现代英语中接to be的现象已较普遍。
(3) sound, smell, feel, taste, become等连系动词后通常不能接不定式:
误:These oranges taste tobe good. (应去掉to be)
误:The roses smell to benice. (应去掉to be)
It seems that she’s right. / She seems to be right. 她似乎是对的。
It appears that you have made a mistake. / You appear tohave made a mistake. 似乎你弄错了。
look,sound, smell, taste, feel的用法特点

误:The material is feltnice. 这料子摸起来不错。(is felt 应改为feels)
误:The soup is tasteddelicious. 这汤味道不错。(is tasted应改为tastes)

This looks (tastes, smells, feels) like an orange. 这东西看起来(吃起来,闻起来,摸起来)像桔子。
It tastes [smells] of fish. 这东西有鱼的味道。

You look [are looking] tired this evening. 今晚你好像很累。
但是不说What you saysis sounding reasonable.
【注】feel 表示“感觉”可用于进行时:(这个时候就不是摸起来啦)
How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉如何?
I’m feeling terrible. 我感到难受极了。
He is tasting the pudding. 他在尝布丁。

除look外,均不能接 to be(即使是look后接to be也不多见)。如:
She looks (to be) the best person for this job. 她似乎是做这项工作的最佳人选。
【注】feel 有时可表示“使人感觉起来…”:
It feels cold in here. 这儿很冷。
appear, look, seem的用法特点

look 指视觉印象,appear 指外表给人的印象,这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear的不确定性更大一些,seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。

三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be(且较少见):
He seems [appears, looks] to be very tired. 他好像很累了。
He seems [appears] to have traveled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。
This seems to be a happy solution. 这似乎是一个理想的解决办法。
但是不说He looks tohave traveled a lot.

look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能:
He just looks like his brother. 他的模样就像他的哥哥。
He seems like a fool. 他看起来像个傻瓜。

appear 和seem不用于进行时态,但look有时可这样用(尽管较少见):
He looks [is looking] well. 他看上去气色不错。
但是不说He is seeming[appearing] well.

三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句:
It looks [seems, appears] as if he has lost interest in hisjob. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。
It seems [appears] that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。
为避免重复,appear和seem后接的 that 从句有时可用so, not 代之:
“Is he reliable? ” “It seems [appears] so (not).”“他可靠吗?”“似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。”
第1个回答  2013-11-28
一、 连系动词的类型有:
1. "存在"类:表示存在或具有某种特征或状态.这类连系动词强调"存在"。常见的有:be(是),look(看起来),feel(摸上去),seem(似乎是),appear(似乎、显得),prove(证明是),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。例如:
The story sounds true.
Those oranges taste good star.
2. "持续"类:表示某种情况或状态的持续。这类连系动词强调"持续"。常见的有:remain(依然),keep(保持),stay(保持),continue(继续、仍旧),stand(处于某状况或情形)等。例如:
Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days.
It's already ten in the morning. The store remains closed. What's the matter?
3. "变化"类:表示由一种情况或状态变化成另一种情况或状态。这类连系动词强调"变化"后的情况或状态.常见的有:become(变成), turn(变成), grow(变得), get(变得)等。例如:
Put the fish in the fridge, or it will go bad in hot weather.
第2个回答  2013-12-05
系动词,亦称连系动词(Link Verb)。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,亦称补语(形容词),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。
第3个回答  2013-11-28
一、 连系动词的类型有:
1. "存在"类:表示存在或具有某种特征或状态.这类连系动词强调"存在"。常见的有:be(是),look(看起来),feel(摸上去),seem(似乎是),appear(似乎、显得),prove(证明是),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。例如:
The story sounds true.
Those oranges taste good star.
2. "持续"类:表示某种情况或状态的持续。这类连系动词强调"持续"。常见的有:remain(依然),keep(保持),stay(保持),continue(继续、仍旧),stand(处于某状况或情形)等。例如:
Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days.
It's already ten in the morning. The store remains closed. What's the matter?
3. "变化"类:表示由一种情况或状态变化成另一种情况或状态。这类连系动词强调"变化"后的情况或状态.常见的有:become(变成), turn(变成), grow(变得), get(变得)等。例如:
Put the fish in the fridge, or it will go bad in hot weather.
第4个回答  2013-11-28



    是及含是:be seem look sound smell taste feel

    状态转变:come go become turn get run fall grow

    状态保持:keep stay remain

    另外还有一些:prove appear measure weigh cost
