

1、Yes,they can.人们可以
2、Filed mice come out of their holes and run around.田鼠跑出洞外,四处乱窜。
3、Mice and deer. 老鼠和鹿
4、Before storm low pressure makes that air so thin that It's difficult for birds to fly.暴风雨来临前气压让鸟难以飞行。
5、Weather signs among animals 动物中的天气预兆现像。
第1个回答  2013-01-10
1. Yes, they can.
2. They come out of their holes and run around.
3. Mice, deer, birds are good weather indicators according to the passage.
4. Before storm low pressure makes the air so thin that it's difficult for birds to fly. The low pressure males the birds know the coming of a strom.
5. Many animals are good weahter indicators and people can become better prepared for any kind of weather if they pay attention to some important signs in nature carefully.
第2个回答  2013-01-10
1. Yes ,they can.
2. Field mice come out of their holes and runa round before a storm.
3. Mice, deer and birds are good weather indicators according to the passage.
4. Before storm low air makes the air very thin, and the birds can show the effect of a pressure drop.
5. Animals are good weather indicators.
