
剧情大概是一对夫妻买房子,去了三个地方吧,房主给他们讲故事,然后三个故事左右的叙述吧。其中一个片段就是一个小女孩,她喊一只猴子貌似内猴子叫BO-BO(差不多这个发音)。因为时间太长了忘了具体的了,记得内对夫妻听完故事就逃出内个房子,然后开车,开着开着前面窜出来一只猴子(应该是内只叫BOBO的)。夫妻中一个是开车的嘛,然后就向左打方向盘,然后他们撞在一个地方,恍惚间听到一个小女孩叫BOBO。= =因为时间有点久,真的忘了,这些没准都对不上,求各位大神帮忙找一下,谢谢!

◆ 中文片名:惊魂摄魄
◆ 外文片名:Terror Tract
◆ 编  剧: Clint Hutchison
◆ 主 演: John Ritter Aaron J. Alberts Marcus Bagwell Laura Bryant Kim Correll Bryan Cranston Virginia Darragh Jerry Day
◆ 上映日期: 2000年10月18日 ( 美国 )更多地区
◆ 类 型: 恐怖 / 惊秫
◆ 地 区: 美 国 ( 拍摄地 )
◆ 分 级: 西班牙:18 澳大利亚:MA 法国:-12 美国:R 秘鲁:18 德国:18 韩国:18
◆ 片 长: 96 分钟
◆ 文件大小: 338 MB
◆ 规格尺寸: 720 * 480
◆ 格  式: DVD-RMVB
◆ 对 白: 英 语
◆ 字 幕: 中 文
◆ 剧情简介:  Bob Carter, a suburban real estate agent, tries to get a kindly couple, Allen and Mary Ann Doyle, to buy a house only to give them horrifying stories about the pasts of three of them. In the first story "Nightmare" a businessman discovers his wife cheating on him only to be killed by his spouse and her boyfriend in which she begins having dreams of her husband not staying dead. The second story "Bobo" involves increasing fear and paranoia from a kindly family man whose young daughter finds and adopts a stray monkey who turns out to be more than meets the eye. The third story "Come To Granny" involves a trouble teenager with psychic abilities who visits a therapist to warn her that she happends to be the next victim of a vicious serial killer called The Granny.
◆ 内容大意: 鲍勃是个房地产经纪,他急于卖掉三所最好地房子.这些房子肯定有血腥的历史,但它们全部都是高质量的房子. 当他带客户去看每座房子的时候,便向他们讲述前任屋主的骇人听闻的命运,他们已不敢买.但鲍勃公司的刺激计划如此"好"令他为了达成交易而杀人。
第1个回答  2013-01-17