
需要以28元的价格来买这200个,请Intel下PO来Cover 这中间的差价

关于这个件,当初我们的报价是18元,但是现在因为MOQ问题,需要以28元的价格来买这200个,请Intel下PO来Cover 这中间的差价。
Regarding this part, our original quotation is 18 Yuan. However, due to the MOQ policy, now the unit price of 200 qty is 28 Yuan each. Please get Intel place a PO to cover the price difference occurred.

第1个回答  2012-12-27
Regarding to this part, we quoted 18yuan at the first time. However, because of the problem of MOQ, we need buy 200 pieces with 28 yuan.So, please arrange PO by inel to cover the balance.来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2012-12-27
On this piece, when our quoted price is 18 yuan, but now because the MOQ problem, need the price with 28 yuan to buy the 200, please Intel PO Cover the difference.
第2个回答  2012-12-27
for this component,our previous quotation is 18 Yuan,but for the problem of MOQ,now we need to take 28 Yuan each piece to purchse 200 pieces,pls have Intel places the order to cover the price difference.