
尊敬的各位领导,老师你们好,我很荣幸参加这次的面试。 我叫。。。,今年7月我将毕业于江苏大学,我的专业是临床医学,这是我们学校非常有名的一个专业。通过4年的在校学习,我已经奠定了较为扎实的专业理论基础,培养了较强的自学能力。五年的大学生活使我在良好的学习氛围中不断的吸取医学知识,积极参加社会实践,充实和完善自己,不仅具备了一名临床医生必备的素质,而且通过了国家大学英语四级,计算机二级考试,并多次被评为优秀团员等称号。在大学的第5年,我有幸被发展为预备党员,这使我更加的了解党,更加了解社会,明白了将来作为一名医生所要承担的责任是多么重大。久闻贵院的管理体制和刚达的择人理念,使我坚信到贵院工作是我的明智选择,我诚挚地希望成为贵院医疗科研队伍中的一员,我将倾我所能,不断学习,为贵院的医疗发展事业贡献一份力量。最后,祝贵院宏图事业蒸蒸日上,谢谢

Dear leaders, you teachers, and I am very honored to participate in this interview. I asked. . . , In July of this year I will graduate from the University of Jiangsu, my specialty is clinical, and this is our very well-known schools of a professional. Through four years in school, I have already laid a more solid professional theoretical foundation, and trained more self-learning ability. Five years of university life makes me a good atmosphere for learning the lessons of continuous medical knowledge, and actively participate in social practice, enrich and improve themselves, not only with a doctor of the necessary quality, but also through the national college English 4, two computer examinations, and has repeatedly been rated as outstanding members and so on. In the University's first five years, I was fortunate to be developed to prepare for the party, I am more understanding of the party to learn more about the community, understand the future as a doctor to bear the responsibility of how significant. Have heard so much about your hospital's management system and just idea of the Optional people, I firmly believe that your hospital is my wise choice, I sincerely hope that your hospital medical research into the ranks of one, I will be dumping my best, continuous learning, for your contribution to the development of a medical power. Finally, I wish your esteemed House ambitious undertakings, growing Thank you.