
weary, still,silence,shoulders




/ 5wIErI; `wIrI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 (a) very tired, esp as a result of effort or endurance; exhausted 疲倦的, 疲劳的(尤指因费力或持久所致); 精疲力竭: weary in body and mind 身心疲惫 * They felt weary after all their hard work. 他们把所有的累活儿都干完后感到筋疲力尽. (b) ~ of sth no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth; tired of sth 对某事物再无兴趣或热情; 厌倦某事物: The people are growing weary of the war. 人民对这场战争越来越厌倦了. * I am weary of hearing about your problems. 我听腻了你那些麻烦事. 2 causing tiredness or boredom 令人疲倦的; 令人厌烦的: a weary journey, wait 令人厌倦的旅程、 等待 * the last weary mile of their climb 他们攀登的令人疲惫的最后一英里路. 3 showing tiredness 显得疲倦或厌倦的: a weary sigh, smile 疲倦的叹息、 笑容.

v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) make sb feel annoyed or impatient 使某人感到烦恼或不耐烦: It wearies me to have to explain everything in such detail. 让我把一切都得解释得那麽详细, 可真烦人. * She was wearied by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的噪杂声. * weary sb with requests 一再要求使某人生厌. 2 [Ip] ~ of sb/sth (fml 文) become dissatisfied with sb/sth 对某人[某事物]不满: She began to weary of her companions. 她逐渐对同伴心怀不满. * You will soon weary of living abroad. 你在国外生活不消多久就不满意了.

/ stIl; stIl/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (a) (almost) without movement or sound; quiet and calm (几乎)不动或无声的; 静止的; 寂静的: still water 死水 * absolutely/completely/perfectly still 极其[十分/非常]宁静 * Please keep/stay/hold/sit/stand still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时请别动. (b) without wind 无风的: a still day in August 八月里无风的一天. =>Usage at quiet 用法见quiet. 2 [attrib 作定语] (of drinks) not containing bubbles of gas; not sparkling or fizzy (指饮料)不含碳酸气的, 不起泡的: still cider, orange, mineral water, etc 无汽的苹果汁、 橙子汁、 矿泉水等. 3 (idm 习语) the still small `voice (of conscience) (rhet 修辞) a person's sense of right and wrong 良心的呼唤; 是非感.still waters run `deep (saying 谚) a quiet or apparentlycalm person can have strong emotions, much knowledge or wisdom, etc 静水流深(沉静或寡言者或有强烈情感、 丰富知识或非凡智慧等).

n 1 single photograph of a scene from a cinema film (电影片中某一镜头的)剧照, 定格画面: stills from a new film, eg as used for advertising 新影片的剧照(如用作广告的). 2 (idm 习语) the still of the `night (rhet 修辞) the calmness or silence of the night 夜间的寂静.

v [I, Tn] (fml 文) (cause sth to) become calm or at rest (使某物)平静下来或静止: The waves stilled. 波浪平静下来了. * (fig 比喻) She couldn't still her anxiety. 她无法消除内心的不安.

n [U] quality of being still 静止; 寂静; 安静; 平静.

still birth
(a) birth at which the baby is born dead 死产. (b) baby born dead 死产儿. Cf 参看 live birth (live1).

adj 1 (of a baby) dead when born (指婴儿)死产的. 2 (rhet 修辞) (of an idea or a plan) not developing further (指思想或计画)夭折的.

still life
(a) [U] representation of non-living objects (eg fruit, flowers, etc) in painting (绘画中的)静物(如水果、 花等); 静物画: I prefer landscape to still life. 我喜欢风景画, 不喜欢静物画. (b) [C] (pl still lifes) picture of this type 静物画.

/ stIl; stIl/ adv 1 (usu in the middle position, but sometimes occurring after a direct object 通常置於句子中部, 但有时用於直接宾语之后) up to and including the present time or the time mentioned 至目前或当时为止; 仍然; 依旧; 还是: She's still busy. 她仍然很忙. * He still hopes/is still hoping for a letter from her. 他仍盼望她能来信. * Will you still be here when I get back? 我回来的时候你还在这里吗? * Do you still live in London? 你还住在伦敦吗? * I still can't do it. 我还是不会做. * We could still change our minds. 我们还可以改变主意. * I need you still; don't go yet. 我还需要你, 先别走. 2 in spite of that; nevertheless; even so 尽管那样; 然而; 不过; 虽然如此: He's treated you badly: still, he's your brother and you should help him. 他待你很不好; 但他终归是你的兄弟, 你应该帮助他. * Although she felt ill, she still went to work. 她虽然觉得身体不舒服, 但仍然去上班了. 3 (a) (with a comparative 与比较级连用) in a greater amount or degree; even 更; 还要: Tom is tall, but Mary is taller still/still taller. 汤姆很高, 但是玛丽更高. * That would be nicer still/still nicer. 那就更好了. (b) in addition; besides; yet 加之; 此外; 还有: He came up with still more stories. 他写出的小说更多了. 4 (idm 习语) ,better/,worse `still even better/worse 还要好[坏].

/ stIl; stIl/ n apparatus for making alcoholic liquor (eg brandy, whisky) by distilling 蒸馏器(制造如白兰地、 威士忌等酒精饮料用的).


/ 5saIlEns; `saIlEns/ n 1 [U] condition of being quiet or silent; absence of sound 寂静; 无声: the silence of the night 夜的寂静 * A scream shattered the silence. 一声尖叫打破了寂静. * In the library silence reigned, ie it was totally silent. 图书馆内十分安静. 2 (a) [U] not speaking, answering sth spoken or written, making comments, etc; not mentioning sth or revealing a secret 沉默; 缄默; 默不作声: All my questions were met with silence from him. 我的所有问题他都拒不回答. * The teacher's stern look reduced him to silence. 教师神情严肃, 他便静了下来. * I can't understand her silence on this matter. 我不明白她为什麽对此事默不作声. * I assume that your silence implies consent, ie that by saying nothing you are showing that you do not disagree. 我想你沉默即表示同意. * After a year's silence (ie a year during which she didn't write), I got a letter from her. 她沉默了一年之后, 又给我来了一封信. * They tried to buy his silence, ie to pay him not to reveal a secret. 他们想收买他让他保持缄默(不泄露秘密). (b) [C] period during which sb is silent 沉默的一段时间: a conversation with many silences 时断时续的交谈 * There was a brief silence, followed by uproar. 沉默片刻之后又喧嚣起来了. 3 (idm 习语) in silence without speaking or making a sound; silently 安静地; 无声地: listen to sb in silence 静静地听某人谈话 * The whole ceremony took place in complete silence. 举行仪式的全过程中寂静无声. a pregnant pause/silence =>pregnant. ,silence is `golden (saying 谚) it is often best not to say anything 沉默是上策.

v [Tn] cause (sb/sth) to be silent; cause to be quiet(er) 使(某人[某物])沉默; 使安静: try to silence a noisy crowd, a crying baby 设法使喧闹的人群、啼哭的婴儿静下来 * silence one's critics, eg by doing sth they cannot criticize 使挑剔的人无话可说 * silence the enemy's guns, eg by destroying them 把敌人的阵地摧毁 * This insult silenced him completely. 他受此侮辱后一言不发了.

n (a) (Brit) (US muffler) device that reduces the noise made by a vehicle's exhaust (机动车的)消声器. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii. (b) device that reduces the noise made by a gun being fired (枪的)消声器. silence interj be quiet 安静; 别出声: `Silence!' shouted the teacher. ‘安静!’教师喊道.


/ 5FEUldE(r); `FoldL/ n 1 [C] (a) part of the body where an arm, a foreleg or a wing is attached; part of the human body from this point to the neck 胳膊、 前腿或翅膀与身体相连接的部位; 肩; 肩膀; 肩胛: look back over one's shoulder 回头看 * shrug one's shoulders 耸肩 * This coat is too narrow across the shoulders. 这件大衣肩部太窄. =>illus at human 见human插图. =>Usage at body. (b) part of a garment covering this (衣服的)肩部: a jacket with padded shoulders 有垫肩的甲克. (c) [C, U] piece of meat cut from the upper foreleg of an animal 前腿肉(从动物前腿上部切下的肉): some shoulder of lamb, beef, etc 羊、 牛等的前腿肉. 2 shoulders [pl] (a) part of the back between the shoulders 背的上部; 肩胛: a person with broad shoulders 肩宽的人 * a coalman carrying a sack on his shoulders 肩上扛著麻袋的送煤人 * give a child a ride on one's shoulders 让子孩骑在肩膀上. (b) (fig 比喻) a person, with regard to the responsibilities, blame, etc he must bear 有责任的或须承担责任的人: shift the blame onto sb else's shoulders 把责任推给别人承担 * The burden of guilt has been lifted from my shoulders. 我已卸下了负疚的重担. * The duty fell upon her shoulders. 这一责任落在了她的肩上. 3 [C] part of a thing resembling a human shoulder in shape or position, eg on a bottle, tool, mountain 形状或部位似肩的部分(如瓶、 工具、 山的). =>illus at mountain 见mountain插图. 4 (idm 习语) be/stand head and shoulders above sb/sth =>head1 a chip on one's shoulder => chip1. give sb/get the cold shoulder =>cold1. have a good head on one's shoulders =>head1. an old head on young shoulders =>old. put one's shoulder to the `wheel work hard at a task 努力工作: Come on, everyone, shoulders to the wheel we've got a lot to do. 快, 各位, 加把劲--我们有很多事情要做. rub shoulders with sb =>rub1. ,shoulder to `shoulder (a) side by side 肩并肩: soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩站著的士兵. (b) working, fighting, etc together; united 并肩工作、 战斗等; 团结一致: shoulder to shoulder with one's fellow-workers in the dispute 辩论中与同事齐心协力. straight from the shoulder => straight2.

v 1 [Tn] (a) put (sth) on one's shoulder(s) 扛, 担, 挑, 掮(某物): She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road. 她背起帆布背包就上路了. (b) (fig 比喻) take (guilt, responsibility, etc) upon oneself 承担(罪责、 责任等): shoulder the duties of chairman 负起主席的责任 * She won't shoulder all the blame for the mistake. 她不承担该过失的全部责任. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] push (sb/sth) with one's shoulder 用肩顶(某人[某物]): shoulder sb to one side 用肩膀把某人顶到一旁 * He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员后射门. 3 (phr v) shoulder one's way in, through, past, etc move in the specified direction by pushing with one's shoulder(s) 用肩膀沿某方向挤出一条路: shoulder one's way into the room 用肩膀挤著进入房间 * shoulder one's way through (the crowd) 用肩膀挤著穿过人群.

n bag hung over the shoulder by a long strap 背在肩上的手提包.

n either of the two large flat bones at the top of the back; scapula 肩胛骨. =>illus at skeleton 见 skeleton 插图.

n (a) narrow strip of material that goes over the shoulder to support a bra, nightdress, etc (乳罩上、 睡衣裙上及儿童服装等的)肩带. (b) narrow strap on the shoulder of a military uniform, a raincoat, an overcoat, etc (军服、 雨衣、 大衣等的)肩带.
第1个回答  2008-04-13
weary : tired 累得,疲倦的

still 1.(used for talking about sth that started at an earlier time 指开始了的事)continuing until now or until the time you are talking about 仍然,还是 2.in addition,more还有 3.(used for making a comparative adjective stonger 用以强化比较级形容词) 4.(used for talking about an action or opinion that you do not expect,because sth else makes it surprising 用于出人意料之事) 5.without moving 不动 6.quiet or clarm 宁静,静止

silence:1.complete quietness,no sound 寂静,肃静 2.a period when nobody speaks or makes a noise 一段时间的沉默/寂静
3.not making any comments on sth 不评论,保持缄默
4.to make sb/sth be silent or quiet 使安静/肃静/沉默

shoulders :the part of your body between your two shoulders
shoulder :1.the part of the body between the neck and the top of the arm 肩膀 2.a part of dress,coat,etc that covers this part of the body 衣服的肩部 3.to accept the responsibility for sth 承担(责任) 4.to push sb/sth with your shoulder 用肩膀推本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-04-13
疲倦的, 厌倦的, 令人厌烦的, 疲劳
疲倦, 厌倦, 厌烦

寂静, 剧照, 照片
静止的, 静寂的
还, 仍, 更, 还要, 尽管如此, 依然

静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默
使沉默, 使安静

肩, 肩部, 侧翼
肩负, 承当

Go on looking for the people to translate.
第3个回答  2008-04-13