

He is a young and handsome teacher.What's more,he is a good and hardworking man.Once he make up his mind to teach us well,he will never give up.And he has many different ways to help us with our problems. In class,he is very strict with us.But after school we are friends.He looks very leraned with a pair of glasses.With his help, we have learned a lot of things.
第1个回答  2013-09-19
An English teacher should focus on developing the 4 skills, that is listening, speaking, reading and writing. Thay should also design some activities closely related to the text in order to arouse students' interests. They should motivate the students and get them organized. Besides classroom teaching method they should as well resort to communicative teaching method and situational teaching method. Try to encourage the students to speak in order to improve their ability of using the language.
第2个回答  2018-09-09
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