英文翻译 爸爸对我说:"小时侯,奶奶每年给我做一件新衣服和一双新鞋子."

英文翻译 1.

1. 爸爸对我说:"小时侯,奶奶每年给我做一件新衣服和一双新鞋子."
Dad said to me:"When I was little, grandma made a new shirt and a pair of new shoes for me each year."
2. 你喜欢这儿吗?
Do you like here?
3. Tim的眼镜掉到游泳池里面,Davia下水帮他捞起来.
Tim glasses had dropped into the pool, Davia get it for him.
4. 爷爷发烧住院了,我和哥哥下午去看他.
Grandpa is in the hospital because he got a fever, my brother and I are going to see him at noon.
第1个回答  2008-07-10
上面的都不加连词, 不通顺的. 有的时态不对, 标点也有错误. 状语位置也欠考虑,不能完全按照中文语序.
1. Dad told me, "Grandma made a dress and a pair of shoes each year when I was young."
2. Do you like here?
3. Tim's glasses dropped into the swimming pool, and David went into the water to get it for him.
4. Grandpa is ill in hospital for fever, so my elder brother and I am going to visit him this afternoon.
第2个回答  2008-07-09
1.My father said to me:"When I was young,grandma made a suit of new clothes and a pair of shoes for me every year.”
2. Do you like here?
3.Tim's glasses dropped into the swimming pool,David took water to get it for him.
4.Grandpa was in hospital for having a fever,my elder brother and I went to see him this afternoon.
第3个回答  2008-07-09