

1. Eating Zongzi: Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice and typically filled with various ingredients such as red bean paste, meat, or chestnuts. They are wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves and are a popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival.
2. Drinking Realgar Wine: Realgar wine, a Chinese liquor flavored with realgar, a sulfur-containing mineral, is drunk during the Dragon Boat Festival. It is believed to ward off evil spirits and diseases.
3. Dragon Boat Racing: Dragon boat racing involves teams of 22 paddlers sitting in long, dragon-shaped boats competing in races up to 2000 meters in length. This event is an essential part of the Dragon Boat Festival and is held in various locations across China.
4. Wearing Incense Pouches: Parents often adorn their children with incense pouches during the Dragon Boat Festival. These pouches are sewn from colorful silk fabric, filled with fragrant herbs or powdered medicine, and strung on silk threads. The pouches, believed to protect against evil, are usually hung around the child's neck or attached to their clothing as decorative items.
5. Driving Away the Five Poisonous Creatures: As part of the Dragon Boat Festival traditions, residents take measures to repel harmful poisonous creatures, including scorpions, snakes, centipedes, lizards, and toads. This custom symbolizes the fight against evil and disease.