


    gonna就是going to将要。Eg: I'm going to visit my grandmother tonight.= I'm gonna visit my grandmother tonight. 一般都表达为 someone‘s gonna do something;

    gotta就是got to/have got to必须要。Eg: I’ve got to clean my room.=I've gotta clean my room. 一般表达为someone's gotta do something;

    wanna意思就是want to想要。Eg: I want to go home.= I wanna go home. 一般表达为someone wanna do something。

这三者都是比较口语的表达, 外国人说话比较快,连带着就发音成了这样。不过诚如上面说的,这都是比较口语的表达,在笔头的正式表达里面最好不要出现这类词汇。


be gonna = be going to:

    Are you gonna be there if I was down? 我失意的时候你会在吗?

    I'm gonna run away and never say goodbye. 我要逃掉,不辞而别;

    I am gonna be there at 3:00. 我三点时会到那里。

gotta=got to (相当于have to 不得不,必须) :

    There's something I gotta tell ya. 我有点事要和你说;

    I've gotta get outta here. 我得离开这儿了;

    I've gotta catch the bus.  我要去赶公共汽车了。

wanna=want to:

    I don't wanna let you go. 我不想让你离开我;

    歌词,如“I don't wanna live without your love”这首歌中就用到wanna;而“Careless whispers”这首歌的这句歌词"I'm never gonna dance again"就用到了“gonna” 。

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