怎么把简单句,并列句变为复合句? 或者复合句反着变回去。

有什么规律没有。 我老是变不到啊、 基础太差。 有没有一个像改被动句。一样差不多的规律。 在此先谢过啦。

在英语中,两个或两个以上的简单句,可以用并列连词(组)连接为并列句。常见的并列连词(组)有and,but,or,so,yet,for,while,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...,not...but...等。有些副词,如:besides,otherwise,therefore,however等有时也可以起到并列连词的作用。并列句的关系不同,所用的连接词(组)亦不同。一般地讲,可分为四类:


  用来表示这种关系的连词有:and;both...and;neither...nor;not only...but also;as well as等。例如:

  One more week,____ we will accomplish the task.

  A.or B.so that C.and D.if


  Jim wanted very much to make his mark in music and finally he succeeded with the help of his teacher.吉姆很想在音乐方面有所作为,最后在老师的帮助下终于获得了成功。

  Tom as well as you is fond of swimming.汤姆像你一样也喜欢游泳。

  Not only is Li Ping good at maths but also he does well in physics.李平不仅数学学得好而且物理学得也不错。



  -I don't like chicken ____ fish.

  -I don't like chicken,____ I like fish very much.(NMET'93)

  A.and;and B.and;but C.or;and D.or;but

  They were surprised that a child should work out the problem ____ they themselves couldn't.('96上海)

  A.once B.then C.while D.if

  Tommy caught the school bus,____.('98上海)

  A.and Jane did neither

  B.but so did Jane

  C.and Jane didn't either

  D.but Jane didn't

  My name is Robert,____ most of my friends call me Bob for short.('97上海)

  A.then B.instead C.however D.but


  用来表示这种关系的并列词(组)有or;either...or;or else;whether...or等。例如:

  We must get up early tomorrow,____ we'll miss the first bus to the Great Wall.(MET'89)

  A.so B.or C.but D.however

  Would you like a cup of coffee ____ shall we get down to business right away?(NMET'95)

  A.and B.then C.or D.otherwise

  Whether he comes to the party or not is none of your business.他是否来参加这个聚会不关你的事。

  Is either Li Mei or Liu Fang going to attend the concert?是李梅还是刘芳将参加这次比赛?



  He was ill,so he didn't come to school yesterday.他病了,所以昨天没来上学。

  The day breaks,for the birds are singing.天亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。



  Tom is too young to go to school.汤姆太小,不能上学。

  →Tom is very young and he can't go to school.

  She got up very early to meet her parents at the station.她很早起床以便去车站接她的父母。

  →She wanted to meet her parents at the station,so she got up early.


  The football match had to be delayed,for it is raining heavily.足球赛被迫延期举行,因为天正下着雨。

  →The football match had to be delayed because of the heavy rain.

  Li Ying wanted to become a college student,so she studied hard.李莹想成为一名大学生,因此学习很用功。

  →Li Ying studied hard so as to become a college student.



  Mr.Zhang hurt his legs,so he didn't attend the meeting.张老师伤了双腿,因此没有出席这次会议。

  →Because Mr.Zhang hurt his legs,he did not attend the meeting.

  I have to study harder,or I shall not catch up with my classmates.我不得不更加用功地学习,否则我就赶不上我的同学们。

  →I have to study harder and harder in order that I can catch up with my classmates.


  Though he was very young,he knows a lot about computers.尽管他很年轻,但是他对电脑却懂得很多。

  →He was very young,but he knows a lot about computers.

  If we don't start off early,we'll be late for the first bus.如果我们不早一点动身,我们就赶不上首班车了。

  →Start off early or we'll be late for the first bus.
第1个回答  2013-09-13
凭经验告诉你英语句子要写常 用以下几种1.连词用各种连词连接句子和句子2.从句从句,一句完整的句子里可以套N句从句,只要不太过分,都是可以接受的3.副词副词修饰各种动词,句子会写得漂亮4.短语,短句这需要积累,用于句子里,由种灵光一现的亮点,也可以把句子写长 写漂亮 你说的是没规律的,写句子,写作就是这样的 复合句变回去就要在找主谓宾了你再一句句子里看清这3点哪句是主语,那些是从句 希望你满意本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-13
第3个回答  2013-09-13
英语题目虽然不像数学、物理那样活,但是要学会方法,要学会举一反三啊,要多及语法之类的。你讲的复合句与简单句之间的互转 ,能不能举个例子?