

《游僧卖药》中说,河间府有个卖药的和尚,把一尊铜佛放在桌子上,用盘子盛放药丸,铜佛作出伸手取东西的样子,有人来买药,先向佛祈祷,然后捧着盘献到佛前。病能治的,药丸就跳进佛的手中,病难治的,药丸就不跳。大家都信,生意非常兴隆。后来有人看到和尚关着门研磨铁屑。才知道药里混了铁屑,而佛手是磁铁做的,外面涂了金。 PS: 楼主 这里是外语板块~~~~~~!!!!
第1个回答  2013-09-24
There was a monk wandering everywhere at the Hejian County. One day, he went to the market for selling medicine. At first, he put a bronze Buddha on the desk, with its hands stretching out, just like asking others for something. There was a plate containing the pill beside the bronze Buddha. Those who bought his medicine should pray to the Buddha first, and then moved to the Buddha with his hands holding the plate. If the patient's disease could be cured, the pill in the plate would jump out to the hand of the Buddha; If not, the pill would be unmoved. The whole county believed him. Afterwards, someone saw him close the door and grind the scrap iron in the temple, thus, people realized that the half of the pills in the monk's plate must be mixed with scrap iron and the hands of the Buddha must be made up of magnet, with gold overgilded outside for deceiving the public. After checkout, it turned out to be true. Therefor, the trick of the monk was exposed. 河间县有一个四处游走的和尚,在集市上卖药.先在桌子上放一尊铜佛,旁边盘子里盛着药丸,那铜佛伸手像是要拿东西的样子.来买药的,先要向铜佛祈祷,然后双手捧着药盘靠近铜佛.如果病可治,盘中药丸就会跳到佛手里;如果病难治好,盘中药丸就不动.全城的人都非常相信他.后有人在和尚住宿的庙里看见他关上房门偷偷地研磨铁屑,这才明白和尚盘里的药丸一定有一半混有铁屑,有一半没有混铁屑;那佛手一定是用磁石做的,只不过在外面镀一层金(以掩人耳目).经过检验,确实是这样,那和尚骗人的花招也就败露了。
第2个回答  2020-05-02