西城男孩 my louve 的歌词+中文翻译


My love-Westlife 我的爱(西城男孩)
  An empty street.空旷的大街。
  An empty house.空荡的房子。
  A hole inside my heart.空洞的心。
  I'm all alone.我是如此孤寂。
  And the rooms are getting smaller.房间也变得小起来。
  I wonder how ! 我不知道为何!
  I wonder why ! 我也不明白为什么!
  I wonder where they are.我更不了解它们在哪里。
  The days we had.那些我们过去拥有的日子。
  The songs we sang together.我们一起唱过的歌。
  Oh,yeah !
  And oh my love.噢!我亲爱的。
  I'm holding on forever.我愿永远拥抱你。
  Reaching for a love that seems so far.努力去达到那远不可及的爱的彼岸。
  So I say a little prayer.于是我做着微不足道的祈祷。
  And hope my dreams will take me there.希望梦想能把我带到彼岸。
  Where the skies are blue.在那里天空是蓝的。
  To see you once again,my love.在那里能与你重逢,我的爱人。
  Over seas from coast to coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。
  To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。
  Where the fields are green.在那里土地是绿的。
  To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。
  My love ! 我的爱人!
  I try to read.我有用功在读书。
  I go to work.我也认真地工作。
  I'm laughing with my friends.与朋友们也在欢笑着。
  But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking.但我还是不能停止爱你。
  Oh,no ! 噢,不!
  I wonder how ! 我不知道为何!
  I wonder why ! 我也不明白为什么!
  I wonder where they are.我更不了解它们在哪里。
  The days we had.那些我们过去拥有的日子。
  The songs we sang together.我们一起唱过的歌。
  Oh,yeah !
  And oh my love.噢!我亲爱的。
  I'm holding on forever.我愿永远拥抱你。
  Reaching for a love that seems so far.努力去达到那远不可及的爱的彼岸。
  So I say a little prayer.于是我做着微不足道的祈祷。
  And hope my dreams will take me there.希望梦想能把我带到彼岸。
  Where the skies are blue.在那里天空是蓝的。
  To see you once again,my love.在那里能与你重逢,我的爱人。
  Over seas from coast to coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。
  To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。
  Where the fields are green.在那里土地是绿的。
  To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。
  To hold you in my arms.将你拥入怀。
  To promise you my love.以实现我承诺的爱。
  To tell you from the heart.发自内心的告诉你。
  you are all I'm thinking of.你是我的唯一。
  I'm reaching for a love that seems so far.我努力想达到那远不可及的爱的彼岸。
  So I say a little prayer.于是我做着微不足道的祈祷。
  And hope my dreams will take me there.希望梦想能把我带到彼岸。
  Where the skies are blue.在那里天空是蓝的。
  To see you once again,my love.在那里能与你重逢,我的爱人。
  Over seas from coast to coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。
  To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。
  Where the fields are green.在那里土地是绿的。
  To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。
  My love ! 我的爱人!
  To see you in the place.在那与你重逢。
  Please take me there.请带我到彼岸。
  Where the skies are blue.在那里天空是蓝的。
  To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。
  Over seas from coast to coast.越过海洋到达彼岸。
  To find the place I love the most.找到我最爱的地方。
  Where the fields are green.在那里土地是绿的。
  To see you once again.在那里能与你重逢。
  My love ! 我的爱人!
第1个回答  2013-09-24
我心永恒 My Heart Will Go On
每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams
我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you,
因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on
穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance
你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us
告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on
无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are
我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on
当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door
清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart
我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time
并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime
直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we're one
爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you
我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to
我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we'll always go on
无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, wherever you are
我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on
当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door
清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you're here in my heart
我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
真正的爱情永远不会褪色 There is some love that will not go away
你在身边让我无所畏惧 You're here, there's nothing I fear,
我深知我的心不会退缩 And I know that my heart will go on
我们将永远地相依相守 We'll stay forever this way
这里会是你安全的港湾 You are safe in my heart
我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on
My love
An empty street 空寂的街道
An empty house 空寂的房间
A hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中
I'm all alone 孤孤单单
The rooms are getting smaller 无尽的孤寂压迫着我
I wonder how 我想知道怎样
I wonder why 我想知道是何原因
I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属
The days we had 我们在一起的时光
The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲
Oh yeah 哦 耶
And oh my love 还有你 吾爱
I'm holding on forever 我始终坚持着
Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是哪样遥不可及
So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求
And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那儿
Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love 那儿有湛蓝的天空还有你美丽的笑容 吾爱
Over seas and coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭
To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜爱的地方
Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love 那儿有翠绿的草原还有你醉人的眼神 吾爱