force of nature课文翻译是什么?







While I was a teenager growing up in New Rochelle,New York,I had up on my bulletinboard a photo of Marie Curie sitting under an elm tree,her arms wrapped around her daughters,two-year-old Eve and nine-year-old Irene. 

I didn't know very much about Curie beyond the basics:She and her husband had discovered radioactivity. She was the first person to win two Nobelprizes. She was brilliant,single-minded,a legend. 

I was just a girl with little direction,moredrawn to words and made-up stories than to formulas and lab experiments.

Looking back,I think I admired that photo so much,not because of Marie Curie and whatshe stood for but because she seemed so exotic一or maybe because of how her arms encircledher girls. 

My own mother lay in the hospital,recovering from a grave injury in a car crash. Iwanted her to hold me,but she couldn't. So,instead,I idolized Marie,who in my mind becamethe strongest and most capable woman in the world.
