英语 的一些常用疑问句 翻译

1. 你的同事们休息时一般喝茶还是咖啡?
2. 你以前住在学校附近吗?
3. 你和你妈妈多久去一次杂货店?&你妈妈和你多久去一次杂货店?
4. 你妈妈每天早上乘公车上班吗?
5. 你出来的时候忘记锁门了,对不对?
6. 摄影是很费钱的爱好吗?
7. 你对明天的考试有信心吗?
8. 同学们是因为比赛输了而沮丧吗?
9. 学校运动会什么时候举行?
10. 今天的会议推迟到了下午两点还是三点?
11. 这次旅游你们提前订了宾馆了吗?
12. 你就不能早点告诉我你不回家吃饭了?
13. 您能给我打几折?
14. 你女儿喜欢哪种颜色的裙子?
15. 您要用现金还是信用卡?

1.Your colleagues rest usually have tea or coffee?
2.You used to live near the school?
3.You and your mom how long a trip to the grocery store? &Your mother and how often do you go to a grocery store?
4.Your mother every morning to go to work by bus?
5.Forget to lock the door when you out, right?
6.Photography is an expensive hobby?
7.Are you confident about the exam tomorrow?
8.The students because the game lost and depressed?
9.When will the school sports meeting be held?
10.Today's meeting is postponed until two in the afternoon or three?
11.The tour you booked hotel in advance?
12.Can't you tell me you don't come home for dinner?
13.Can you give me a discount?
14.Your daughter likes what color dress?
15.Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?
第1个回答  2013-03-18