谁知道华北电力大学电气工程及其自动化专业所学的课程 望各位告知 定重谢


Arrangement of the Total Weeks
教学环节 学期Semester 合计
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八
理论教学 Theoretic Teaching 16 16 18 18 17 14 14 113
复习考试 Review Exam 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 13
入学教育 Enrollment Education (1) (1)
军事训练 Military Training 3 3
公益劳动 Public Labouring 1 1
实 习 Practice 2 1 4 5 4 16
课程设计 Course Project
综合实验 Comprehensive Experiment 1 1
社会实践 Social Practice
外语训练 Foreign Language Training
毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis 14 14
毕业教育 Graduation Education 1 1
小 计Subtotal 20 20 21 20 21 20 21 19 162
寒 假Winter Vacation 5 5 5 5 20
暑 假Summer Vacation 6 6 6 18
合 计Total 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 19 200

Electrical Engineering and Its AutomationCompulsory Course

别 课程编号 课程名称
Course Name 总

crs 总

hrs 课内学时 实验学时 上机学时 各学期学分分配
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八
公共基础教育 00900050 大学物理(1) College Physics(1) 4 60 60 4
00900060 大学物理(2) College Physics(2) 3 44 44 3
00800050 大学英语1级 College English Band 1 4 60 60 4
00800070 大学英语2级 College English Band 2 4 64 64 4
00800080 大学英语3级 College English Band 3 4 64 64 4
00800090 大学英语4级 College English Band 4 4 64 64 4
00900130 高等数学B(1) Advanced Mathematics B(1) 6 90 90 6
00900140 高等数学B(2) Advanced Mathematics B(2) 6 96 96 6
00600200 高级语言程序设计 (C)
Advanced Language Programming (C) 4 56 56 26 4
00700971 马克思主义基本原理
Basic Principles of Marxism 3 48 32 3
00700972 中国近代史纲要
Compendium of Chinese Modern History 2. 32 24 2
00700981 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论
conspectus of Mao Zedong.Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thought of’Three Represents’ 6 96 64 6
00101640 企业管理概论 Introduction to Enterprise Management 2 32 32 2
00701351 思想道德修养与法律基础
Cultivation of Ideological Morality and Fundamentals of Law Fundamentals of Law 3 48 32 3
01000010 体育(1) Physical Education(1) 2 30 30 2
01000020 体育(2) Physical Education(2) 2 30 30 2
01000030 体育(3) Physical Education(3) 2 30 30 2
01000040 体育(4) Physical Education(4) 2 30 30 2
00900440 物理实验(1) Experiments of Physics(1) 2 30 30 30 2
00900450 物理实验(2) Experiments of Physics(2) 2 30 30 30 2
00600750 信息技术基础
Fundamentals of Information Technology 2.5 40 40 28 2.5
00701650 形势与政策 Current Events and Policy 2 32 32

专业基础教育 00200160 电机学(1) Electrical Machinery(1) 5 80 80 12 5
00200170 电机学(2) Electrical Machinery(2) 2 32 32 4 2
00200190 电力电子技术 Power Electronics 3 48 48 8 3
00200191 电力电子技术(双语)
Power Electronics(E/C) 3 48 48 8 3
00200470 电路理论A(1) Circuit Theory A(1) 4 64 64 4
00200480 电路理论A(2) Circuit Theory A(2) 2 32 32 2
00200950 电路实验(1) Circuit Experiment(1) 0.5 10 10 10 0.5
专业基础教育 00200960 电路实验(2) Circuit Experiment(2) 0.5 10 10 10 0.5
00500170 电子技术基础实验A(1)
Experiments of Electronics Technique A(1) 2 30 30 14 16 2
00500180 电子技术基础实验A(2)
Experiments of Electronics Technique A(2) 1 20 20 10 10 1
00900090 复变函数与积分变换
Complex Function and Integral Transformation 3 48 48 3
00900111 概率论与数理统计B
Probability and Mathematical Statistics B 3.5 56 56 3.5
00200681 工程电磁场 Engineering Electromagnetic Fields 3 48 48 4 2 3
00600230 工程制图 Engineering Graphics 3 48 48 3
00500350 模拟电子技术基础
Fundamentals of Analogue Electronics 3.5 56 56 3.5
00500410 数字电子技术基础B
Fundamentals of Digital Electronic Technique B 3 48 48 3
00200810 微机原理与接口技术 A
Microprocessor Theory and Interface Technique A 4 64 64 24 4
00900460 线性代数B Linear Algebra B 2.5 40 40 2.5
00200860 信号分析与处理 Signal Analysis and Process 3 48 48 4 3
00200940 自动控制理论B Automatic Control Theory B 3 48 48 4 3
专业教育 00200290 电力系统分析基础
Fundamentals of Power System Analysis 4 64 64 2 4 4
00200291 电力系统分析基础(双语)
Fundamentals of Power System Analysis 4 64 64 2 4 4
00200331 电力系统继电保护原理
Power System Protection Principle 3 48 48 6 3
00200550 电气工程概论(报告形式)
Introduction to Electrical Engineering (Tutorials) 1 16 16
00200600 发电厂电气部分 Electrical Systems of Power Plants 2 32 32 2
00200620 高电压技术 High Voltage Technology 2.5 40 40 8 2.5
合 计 135.5 2136 2064 180 86 24.5 27.5 21.5 28.5 19 11.5
其他学分要求 专业选修课 Specialized Optional Courses 22.5
公共选修课 Common Optional Courses 4
集中进行的教学环节Curriculum for Intensive Various Teaching 36
总 计 198

Electrical Engineering and Its Automation Optional Courses

别 课程编号 课程名称
Course Name 总

crs 总

hrs 课

时 实验学时 上

时 开

期 备 注

力 00200280 电力系统调度运行与控制
Power System Dispatch Operation and Control 2 32 32 7 至少选一组课

00200310 电力系统规划与可靠性
Power System Planning and Reliability 2 32 32 7
00200430 电力系统暂态分析 Power System Transient Analysis 2.5 40 40 4 6
00200450 电力系统自动化 Power System Automation 2.5 40 40 4 7

自 00200300 电力系统故障分析 Power System Fault Analysis 2 32 32 6
00200370 电力系统微机保护 Power System Computer Protection 2.5 40 40 4 7
00200420 电力系统远程监控原理 Power System Remote Control Theory 2 32 32 6
00200450 电力系统自动化 Power System Automation 2.5 40 40 4 7

压 00200320 电力系统过电压 Power System Over Voltage 2 32 32 7
00200580 电气设备在线监测与故障诊断
Online Monitor and Fault Diagnosis for Electrical Equipments 2 32 32 7
00200640 高电压绝缘 High Voltage Insulation 3 48 48 6
00200650 高电压试验技术 High Voltage Experimental Technique 2 32 32 7

电 00200050 城市供电 City Power Supply 2.5 40 40 7
00200430 电力系统暂态分析 Power System Transient Analysis 2.5 40 40 4 6
00200530 电能计量 Electric Energy Metering 2 32 32 7
00200690 供电系统电能质量 Power Quality of Supply System 2 32 32 7

子 00200200 电力电子技术应用 Power Electronics Applications 3 48 48 6
00200201 电力电子技术应用(双语)
Power Electronics Applications 3 48 48 6
00200390 电力系统谐波与无功补偿
Power System Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation 2 32 32 7
00200690 供电系统电能质量 Power Quality of Supply System 2 32 32 7
00200910 直流输电与FACTS技术
HVDC Transmission and FACTS 2 32 32 6

场 00100130 财务管理B Financial management B 2 32 32 7
00201010 电力市场基础 Introduction to Electric Power Market 2 32 32 6
00200270 电力市场运营理论与技术
Power Market Operation Theory and Technology 1.5 24 24 7
00101460 经济学原理 Principle of Economics 4 64 64 6
各专业 文化素质教育课程或跨专业选课 4 64 至少选
选修 00800130 大学英语6级 College English Band 6 3.5 56 56 至少选
00200080 电磁测量技术
Electromagnetic Measurement Technology 2 32 32 10 5
00600330 计算机软件技术基础 Fundamentals of Software Technology 2 32 32 10
选修 00600500 面向对象的程序设计B Object-Oriented Programming B 2 32 32 10
00600611 数据库应用 Database Principles and Application 3.5 56 56 26
00900300 数理方程 Mathematical Physics Equations 2 32 32
00200970 数字信号处理(电) Digital Signal Processing (E) 1.5 24 24 6
00600671 电气设计与CAD Auto CAD and electric design 2 32 32 16 5
00600680 网络应用基础 Fundamentals of Network Application 2 32 32 10
00200931 专业英语阅读(电气) Professional English Reading 2 32 32 7

修 00200010 GIS装置与绝缘技术 GIS Equipment and Insulation Technology 1.5 24 24 7 至少选
00200030 变电站综合自动化 Substation Integrated Automation 1.5 24 24 7
00200430 电力系统暂态分析 Power System Transient Analysis 2.5 40 40 4 6
00200060 大型电机故障诊断 Large Electrical Machines Fault Diagnosis 1.5 24 24 7
00200070 大型发电机与变压器运行 Large Generator and Transformer Operation 1.5 24 24 6
00200090 电磁场数值计算 Nnumerical Calculation of EMF 1 16 16 7
00200110 电磁兼容技术 Electro-Magnetic Compatiability Technology 1.5 24 24 7
00200200 电力电子技术应用 Power Electronics Applications 3 48 48 6
00200220 电力负荷预测 Electricity Load Forecast 2 32 32 6
00200350 电力系统数字仿真 Digital Simulation of Power Systems 1.5 24 24 7
00200360 电力系统通信 Power System Communication 2 32 32 7
00200380 电力系统稳定 Power System Stability 1.5 24 24 7
00200440 电力系统主设备保护 Protection of Main Electric Devices 1.5 24 24 7
00200460 电路计算机辅助分析 Computer Aided Analysis of Circuit 1.5 24 24 12 5
00200540 电能质量概论 Introduction to Power Quality 1.5 24 24 7
00200660 高压电气设备状态维修
State Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Equipments 1.5 24 24 7
00200730 控制电机 Control Electrical Machines 2 32 32 4 7
00200740 配电自动化 Distribution Automation 1.5 24 24 6
00200750 人工智能及其在电力系统中的应用
Artificial Intelligence and Application to Power Systems 1.5 24 24 7
00200790 微机保护原理 Principle of Computer Protection 1.5 24 24 4 7
00200980 电气工程前沿技术专题
Advanced Technology of Electric Engineering 2.5 40 40 6
00200850 新能源发电技术 New Energy Generation Technology 1.5 24 24 6
00200900 用电营销与管理 Electricity Selling and Management 1.5 24 24 7
00200920 中压电网运行分析与接地保护
Operation Analysis and Grounding Protection in Medium Voltage Grid 1.5 24 24 7

Curriculum for Intensive Various Teaching

别 课程编号 课程名称
Course Name 总学

crs 总

wrs 各学期学分分配 备注
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八

修 01390010 入学教育及军训Enrollment Education and Military Training 4 3 4 22学分

00290230 公益劳动 Public Labouring 1 1 1
00290290 认识实习 Acquaintanceship Practice 1 1 1
00590090 电子技术综合实验 Comprehensive Experiment of Electronic Technique 1 1 1
00290030 毕业设计 Graduation Thesis 14 14 14
电力电子方向必修 00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算 Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2 15学分
00290070 电力电子技术课程设计 Power Electronics Course Design 2 2 2
00290080 电力电子技术综合实验 Comprehensive Experiment of Power Electronics 2 2 2
00290140 电力系统谐波与无功补偿课程设计
Power System Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation Course Design 1 1 1
00290160 电力系统综合实验A
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System A 2 2 2
00290180 发电厂电气部分课程设计 Power Plant Course Design 2 2 2
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
电力方向必修 00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算 Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2 15学分
00290130 电力系统课程设计 Power System Course Design 2 2 2
00290150 电力系统暂态上机计算
Power System Transient Programming 2 2 2
00290160 电力系统综合实验A
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System A 2 2 2
00290180 发电厂电气部分课程设计 Power Plant Course Design 2 2 2
00290190 发电厂与变电站仿真实习
Power Plant and Substation Simulation Practice 1 1 1
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
电力市场方向必修 00290090 电力零售市场仿真实验 Power Retail Market Simulation Test 2 2 2 15学分
00290100 电力市场课程设计 Power Market Course Design 1 1 2
00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算 Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2
00290160 电力系统综合实验A
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System A 2 2 2
00290190 发电厂与变电站仿真实习
Power Plant and Substation Simulation Practice 1 1 1
00290200 发电市场仿真实验 Generation Market Simulation Test 2 2 2
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290190 发电厂与变电站仿真实习
Substation Simulation Practice 1 1 1
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
电自方向必修 00290050 变电站仿真实习 Substation Simulation Practice 1 1 1 15学分
00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算
Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2
00290160 电力系统综合实验A
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System A 2 2 2
00290250 故障分析上机计算
Power System Fault Analysis Programming 2 2 2
00290260 继电保护定值计算 Relay setting Calculation 2 2 2
00290270 继电保护与自动化综合实验
Comprehensive Tests of Protection Relay and Automation 2 2 2
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
高压方向必修 00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算
Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2 15学分
00290120 电力系统过电压上机计算
Power System Over Voltage Programming 2 2 2
00290170 电力系统综合实验B
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System B 1 1 1
00290180 发电厂电气部分课程设计 Power Plant Course Design 2 2 2
00290210 高电压技术课程设计
High Voltage Technology Course Design 2 2 2
00290220 高电压综合试验
Comprehensive Experiment of High Voltage 2 2 2
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
供电方向必修 00290190 发电厂与变电站仿真模拟 Substation Simulation 1 1 1 15学分
00290110 电力系统潮流上机计算
Power System Power Flow Programming 2 2 2
00290160 电力系统综合实验A
Comprehensive Experiment of Power System A 2 2 2
00290180 发电厂电气部分课程设计 Power Plant Course Design 2 2 2
00290240 供用电综合设计
Comprehensive Design of Power Supply 2 2 2
00390200 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 2 2 2
00290010 供电系统电能课程设计
Power Quality of Supply System Course Design 2 2 2
00290300 生产实习 Production Practice 2 2 2
合 计 36 35 3
2 1 2 4 5 18

Teaching Arrangement for Subsidiary (Electrical Engineering and Its Automation)

别 课程编号 课程名称
Course Name 总

crs 总

hrs 课

时 实验学时 上

时 开

期 备 注
A 00200160 电机学(1) Electrical Machinery(1) 5 80 80 12 4 专业课
00200170 电机学(2) Electrical Machinery(2) 2 32 32 4 5
00200190 电力电子技术 Power Electronics 3 48 48 8 5
00200470 电路理论A(1) Circuit Theory A(1) 4 64 64 3
00200480 电路理论A(2) Circuit Theory A(2) 2 32 32 4
00200681 工程电磁场 Engineering Electromagnetic Fields 3 48 48 2 2 3
00200810 微机原理与接口技术 A
Microprocessor Theory and Interface Technique A 4 64 64 24 6
00200860 信号分析与处理 Signal Analysis and Process 3 48 48 4 5
00200940 自动控制理论B Automatic Control Theory B 3 48 48 4 5
00200950 电路实验(1) Circuit Experiment(1) 0.5 10 10 10 3
00200960 电路实验(2) Circuit Experiment(2) 0.5 10 10 10 4
00500170 电子技术基础实验A(1)
Experiments of Electronics Technique A(1) 2 30 30 14 16 4
00500180 电子技术基础实验A(2)
Experiments of Electronics Technique A(2) 1 20 20 10 10 5
00500350 模拟电子技术基础
Fundamentals of Analogue Electronics 3.5 56 56 4
00500410 数字电子技术基础B
Fundamentals of Digital Electronic Technique B 3 48 48 5
00900090 复变函数与积分变换
Complex Function and Integral Transformation 3 48 48 3
00900460 线性代数B Linear Algebra B 2.5 40 40 2
小 计 45
102 28
B 00200290 电力系统分析基础
Fundamentals of Power System Analysis 4 64 64 2 4 5 学位课
00200330 电力系统继电保护原理
Power System Protection Principle 2.5 40 40 6 6
00200600 发电厂电气部分 Electrical Systems of Power Plants 2 32 32 6
00200620 高电压技术 High Voltage Technology 2.5 40 40 8 6
小 计 11 176 176 16
总 计 55.5 910 910 118 32
第1个回答  2008-05-11

第2个回答  2008-05-07