

1、 "Night even two years old, five points two days", the New Year's eve, the family reunion together, eat the New Year's eve dinner, lit a candle or oil lamp, sitting around the fire chat, waiting for the old year and the new moment, an all-night vigil, a symbol of all evil plague disease according to run away, looking forward to the New Year good luck. This custom gradually prevailed, to the early tang dynasty, tang taizong li shimin wrote a "shousui" poem: "cold quit winter snow, warm into the spring breeze. To this day, people are used to staying up on New Year's eve to welcome the New Year.


2、Chinese folk have "open the door firecracker" legend. In the New Year, every family opened the door the first thing is to set off firecrackers, firecrackers sound out of the old to welcome the new. Firecrackers also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers", "firecrackers". It has a long history of more than two thousand years. People believe that firecrackers can create a festive atmosphere, is a holiday entertainment, it can bring people joy and good luck.


第1个回答  2013-02-10
The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is just as the Christmas in the West. In the eve of Spring Festival, people perform a series of steps.
First, people sweep away all the dirty dust clean their homes so that they can through away the ill-fortune make the way for good incoming luck. A family would work together about the housework. They can clear up and collect their things from the whole year. Moreover, it is a good way to enhance the relationships between family members. During the cleaning, there are several traditional customs. For example, discard the old shoes is one of the Beijing tradition. Because the pronunciation of the old shoes is same as the unlucky pronounce, people avoid the misfortune by throwing away the old shoes.
Second, people would decorate their houses. They always put the paper-cut on the window and hang the couplets on the sides of door. It is noting that red is the main color of all the decorations in thousands of years. Chinese people believe that red is a lucky vivid color which represents a fantastic life. Consequently, red is in everywhere such as red lanterns, red clothes and red firecrackers. People really enjoy the process of decorating their houses. Some families even write the couplets by themselves instead of buying a pair of couplets that others write.
Third, preparing the feast is a huge work. The traditional feast involves chicken, ducks, fish, and pork or beef. People from the west area of China prefer mutton than pork or beef. On the other hand, the ways to cook dishes include fry, boil, stew, and steam. South people like a lot kinds of soup and small cakes. However, north people like that vegetable stew with meat, and they also steam the sweet glutinous rice cake.
The last but not least, families will end the day with firecrackers. It also means welcoming the Lunar New Year. Nowadays, firework has become more and more popular. However, people still insist the firecrackers as the tradition.Spring Festival has a long history and includes a lot of customs. Chinese people have followed almost all the traditions for thousand years and enjoy it.
第2个回答  2021-02-20
、Chinese folk have "open the door firecracker" legend. In the New Year, every family opened the door the first thing is to set off firecrackers, firecrackers sound out of the old to welcome the new. Firecrackers also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers", "firecrackers". It has a long history of more than two thousand years. People believe that firecrackers can create a festive atmosphere, is a holiday entertainment, it can bring people joy and good luck.
第3个回答  2013-03-10
北京新年段有句谚语:“(农历12月,腊月)23(日)糖瓜儿童棒; 24(天)大扫除日,25日(星期日)糊窗户;拳击(日)焖肉27日(星期日)杀公鸡; 28日(周日)的表面; 29(日)蒸馒头; 30(星期日)晚夜熬扭元旦“。
的腊月轮, ,“灶神星”神奏事的日子,它是23个晚上,每家每户,“自由厨房”,“灶神”,以庆祝新的一年揭开序幕。圣诞节的腊月,诸神下界的日子。按照传统,每个家庭内部和外部的除尘扫。拳击到除夕,家家户户都开始铣削包汤圆,年糕,准备买一件新外套鞋和春联,新年及门将。除夕,各种资历聚集室内,坐在一起吃晚饭团在灯光下,故名“嘉年华”。晚餐,壁炉庆祝除夕。暮光之城一天,男人,妇女和儿童是新帽,穿上新衣服,新鞋子,感谢祖先的日子,在课堂上。携手和不那么年轻的父母过去的几年里,父母的散居儿童年前的准备了一些钱。

说,除夕“29黄昏”的,“30恍然大悟,”不要,根据农历正月的大小。 “黄昏”,意思是岁暮。直至天气是不是太晚了,每个人都准备供品,像甜桔,甜米果(年糕),“春饭春插在剪纸(盛尖锐的米字)”,“保命钱”。甘蔗,还是在门的后面的脚后跟两个连接必须把它们的叶子被称为“常年甘蔗吃晚饭的围炉放置,方桌新炭炉和一个新葵扇,扇炉发布的红纸上写”春“,的字“祝福”。的晚餐是在庆祝除夕。进入的第一天,人们有年轻和年老的集合,红色和白色的米饭饼王祀神明,崇拜祖先的(祖公族女人),与然后将燃放鞭炮的新的春天。


