
给10个英语句型造句。 1.want sb to do sth 2.ask sb to do sth 3.tell sb to do sth 4.try to do sth 5.it's adj to do sth 6.plan to do sth 7.decide to do sth on doing sth 8.an exciting plan to do 9.enjoy doing sth 10.finish doing sth

I want you to bring that books for me.我想让你把那把本带给我。 Mum aked me to do some washing with her.妈妈让我和她一起做家务。 He told me to do some reading after supper.他告诉我,要在饭后阅读书籍。 I try to do it better.我试着把这个做的更好。 It's difficult to learn English.学习英语很难 I planned to have a picnic with my family yesterday.我昨天计划要和我家人一起去野餐。 I decided to buy a new bag for you.我决定为你买个新书包。 It's an exciting plan to drink beer on my birthday.在我生日会上喝啤酒真是个刺激的计划。 I enjoy reading very much.我十分喜欢阅读 I will finish doing my homework ten minutes later.我十分钟后将会完成我的作业