die of还是die from


    "Die of" 强调死因或导致死亡的具体原因,通常用于描述疾病或病症引起的死亡。

    "Die from" 通常用于描述较为具体的事件或事故导致的死亡,强调具体的原因。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 die of 和die from 吧:

die of 和die from 的区别:


"Die of":强调死因是一种非具体来源的原因,如疾病、饥饿、寒冷等。

例子1: He died of a heart attack.(他死于心脏病发作。)

例子2: The villagers died of starvation during the famine.(在饥荒期间,村民们死于饥饿。)

"Die from":强调死因是一种具体来源的原因,如事故、受伤、中毒等。

例子1: She died from a fall from the balcony.(她因从阳台上摔下而死。)

例子2: They died from carbon monoxide poisoning.(他们死于一氧化碳中毒。)


"Die of":适用于描述死亡的根本原因或普遍情况。

例子1: Many people died of the deadly virus outbreak.(许多人死于致命的病毒爆发。)

例子2: In the past, people often died of infectious diseases.(过去,人们常常死于传染病。)

"Die from":适用于描述导致死亡的具体事件或明确来源。

例子1: He died from a gunshot wound.(他因枪伤而死。)

例子2: The hiker died from a snake bite.(这名徒步旅行者死于蛇咬伤。)


"Die of":通常比较文雅,用于正式场合或感情表达。

例子1: She died of a broken heart after her husband's passing.(她因丈夫去世而伤心欲绝。)

例子2: He died of old age, surrounded by his loved ones.(他因年老去世,在亲人的陪伴下。)

"Die from":相对较为直接,通常用于简洁描述死因。

例子1: The swimmer died from drowning.(那名游泳者溺水身亡。)

例子2: They died from exposure to toxic chemicals.(他们因接触有毒化学物质而死亡。)


"Die of":通常搭配非具体来源的原因。

例子1: He died of a rare disease.(他死于一种罕见的疾病。)

例子2: They died of hunger and thirst in the desert.(他们在沙漠中饥渴而死。)

"Die from":通常搭配具体来源的原因。

例子1: The pilot died from a plane crash.(飞行员死于飞机失事。)

例子2: She died from a drug overdose.(她因药物过量而死亡。)
