

【 #雅思写作# 导语】为了让大家更好地准备雅思考试,我们将分析十种基本的句型,这些句型在表示行文逻辑方面至关重要。掌握这些句型不仅有助于提升文章结构,还能使考生在考试中更加自如地表达观点。接下来,我们将逐一解析这些句型,并指出它们在写作中的正确运用。
1. There are three reasons for this.
2. The reasons for this are as follows.
3. The reason for this is obvious.
4. The reason for this is not far to seek.
5. The reason for this is that.
6. We have good reason to believe that.
The changes that have taken place in our life have three main causes. Firstly, there has been a significant improvement in people's living standards. Secondly, the majority of individuals now enjoy higher salaries, allowing them to afford their necessities and desires. Lastly, an increasing number of people prefer the conveniences of modern life.
1. It has the following advantages.
2. It does us a lot of good.
3. It benefits us quite a lot.
4. It is beneficial to us.
5. It is of great benefit to us.
Books are akin to friends, providing us with deeper insights into the world and broadening our horizons. Therefore, extensive reading is of great benefit to us.
1. It has more disadvantages than advantages.
2. It does us much harm.
3. It is harmful to us.
However, every coin has two sides. Television can also be detrimental to us. Excessive viewing can damage our health and render us lazy.
1. It is important (necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) for sb. to do sth.
2. We think it necessary to do sth.
3. It plays an important role in our life.
Computers are now ubiquitous, whether in government, education, or business. Soon, they will be found in every home as well. We have ample reason to assert that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our lives, heralding the Computer Age.
1. We should take some effective measures.
2. We should try our best to overcome (conquer) the difficulties.
3. We should do our utmost in doing sth.
4. We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with.
The housing issue we face is becoming increasingly severe. Therefore, we must adopt some effective measures to address it.
1. Some changes have taken place in the past five years.
2. A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.
3. The computer has brought about many changes in education.
Over the past five years, there have been some shifts in people's dietary habits. The primary drivers of these changes are not difficult to identify. Nowadays, more individuals are opting for meat as a source of protein and milk for vitamins instead of grains and fruits/vegetables.
1. We cannot ignore the fact that.
2. No one can deny the fact that.
3. There is no denying the fact that.
4. This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.
5. However, that’s not the case.
We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization has brought about pollution challenges. To tackle these challenges, we can start by educating the public about the perils of pollution. The government, for its part, should also enact stricter laws to foster a cleaner environment.
1. Compared with A, B.
2. I prefer to read rather than watch TV.
3. There is a striking contrast between them.
Compared to cars, bicycles offer several advantages besides being affordable. Firstly, they do not deplete natural resources such as petroleum. Secondly, they do not contribute to pollution. Lastly, they contribute to physical health by providing necessary exercise.
1. It has increased (decreased) from...to...
2. The population in this city has now increased (decreased) to 800,000.
3. The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared to that of January.
With the enhancement of living standards, the proportion of people's income allocated to food has diminished while that allocated to education has correspondingly increased.
1. People have (take, adopt, assume) different attitudes towards sth.
2. People have different opinions on this issue.
3. People take different views of (on) the question.
4. Some people believe that...Others argue that...
People hold diverse attitudes towards failure. Some argue that failure paves the way to success; every failure they encounter translates into a greater opportunity for success in their next endeavor. However, others are easily discouraged by failures and place themselves in the category of losers.