

SiWenMing review of the failure of his father, decided to dredge method, make water to the low-lying place vent. In addition to his bank, also mountain, mountain project is the most famous the Yellow River gorge between Longmen -- Shanxi province Hejin City carved with Shaanxi Province, Hancheng City, the Yellow River.姒文命检讨他父亲失败的原因,决定以疏导方法为主,使水势向低洼的地方宣泄。他除了筑堤外,还同时开山,最著名的开山工程是凿通龙门──山西省河津市跟陕西省韩城市之间的黄河峡谷,使黄河畅通。
The 2285 BC, Qi in Iraq Fangxun relinquish power, Yao Zhonghua officially regent. The 2258 BC twenty-seven years, Yi Qi Fangxun died, life expectancy of one hundred and nineteen years, Yao Zhonghua sat on the throne of logical.
This is the first "chanrang" indulge in elaborating on the Confucian school, insists that Yi Qi Fangxun is spontaneous, very happy to take the throne to Yao Zhonghua.纪元前二二八五年,伊祁放勋放弃政权,姚重华正式摄政。二十七年后的纪元前二二五八年,伊祁放勋逝世,寿命一百一十九岁,姚重华顺理成章地坐上宝座。

其实我想找的是可以用在论文开始的那种摘要。不用管内容的 那种。只要字数差不多就行的。
