

A: I heard that he got promotion yesterday.我听说昨天他升职了。
B:Yes, so he did.对啊,他的确升职了。
C:who are you talking about?你们在讨论什么呀?
A: A friend of mine. He has made a great success in his job. 讨论我的一个朋友。他在工作上取得了巨大的成功。
C: How did he make it?他是怎么做到的呢?
B: He is always working very hard and he is really good at getting along with people. 他工作一直非常努力,而且他善于和人打交道。
C: I also want to be successful like him. So,What's the key of his success?我也想像他一样成功。他成功的秘诀是什么?
A; First he has a determined aim,then he workes very hard to achieve it. 首先他有一个很明确的目标,然后为实现目标而努力工作。
B: Besides he reads a lot of books to enrich his knowledge. Books are best friends to everyone.另外他会读大量的书籍来拓宽自己的知识面。书籍对每个人来说都是最好的朋友
C:Got it. I think I shuold read more books in the daily life.明白了。我觉得我平时应该多读点书。
A:Right. you have got the point.对,你抓到重点了。
C:Thank you very much for giving me such an important lessen.非常感谢你们给我上了这么重要的一课
