


【A most impressive person】

Every time when I walk pass that street, I always see an old man sitting by the road side. During my junior school years, he was already sitting there all the time. Until now he is still there every day. Therefore he gave me a very deep impression and a kind of mystery.
I was later told that the reason he sits there because he is thinking of his grandson who died several years ago. If he is still alive today then he would be about the same age as me.
I am feeling really sad for the old man. At the same time, I also realize that how very lucky we are to have the people we love together with us!

第1个回答  2012-12-18
Of all the people I have ever seen, an old man impressed me most. He always sat by the road when I was in junior middle school. But now he is still there every day. So I remember him and I feel much surprised .
Later I heard it was because he missed his grandson ,who died a few years ago, that he sits by the road .If his grandson is still living today ,he should be in my age.The old man's sadness made me realized being togething with your family is the happiest thing.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-18
Every time I walk pass that street, I always see a old man, sits on the foot path, when I was younger he used to sat there,now, he still go and sit there every day , therefore he's a very memorable person to me.
I heard that he sat there because he misses his grandson , but his grandson past away a few years ago, if he's still alive he would be my age.
That old man seems to be very upset, this made realised how important it is to have family around.