
目前在我国,对基础教育进行改革的呼声很高,基础教育改革的力度不断加大。如何培养学生创新能力、实践能力的问题倍受社会关注。英语教学方式尽管进行了一定的改革,但仍然是老师当主角,学生当配角,无法充分调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,难以激发学生的学习兴趣。应试教育的诸多弊端没有得到纠正,教师偏重填鸭灌输,使得英语学习变的枯燥乏味,导致学生讨厌和害怕学英语。因此,学习兴趣的培养,尽快改善学生学习英语的被动局面,已成为外语教师面临的首要任务。学生在课堂上的学习兴趣的提高是势在必行。教育心理学告诉我们:“只有学生感兴趣的东西 ,学生才会积极地进行思维 ,以最简单有效的方法去获得知识 ,同时他们才会全身心地投入学习活动,从而取得事半功倍的效果。”(贾冠杰,1986) 英语教学中,兴趣对学生的影响的研究现状从国内来看,目前正处于初步的认识和探索阶段。在不同的理论基础指导下不同的人进行了多元化的探索。 刘舒声说:“学生对学习内容发生了兴趣就会主动积极去学习。因此,在课堂教学中,如何根据教材特点和学生的实际,诱发学生的学习兴趣是很值得研究的。” (《教学法大全》1991)世界各国都在提倡教育改革,提高全民素质和综合能力。强调采用多种形式的教学活动。美国的语言学家对外语的习得进行了长期的研究,提出了各种不同的理论。在经济全球化的当今社会,外语的重要性越来越被世界各国所认识。而如何教学是各国教育改革的中心,从各国外语教学所采取的策略看,教学手段的多样化占有相当的分量,尤其兴趣教学是教学手段的先声,是决定学生主动自主学习还是被动灌输学习的关键。
从现代社会对人才的需求来看。英语成为越来越重要的交流手段,也就要求社会人才有过硬的英语能力。从当前课堂教学存在的问题来看,传统英语学习方式把学习建立在人的客体性、受动性、依赖性的一面上,从而导致人的主体性、能动性和独立性的不断销蚀。长期以来英语课堂教学沿袭满堂灌的教学模式,使学生的学习变成了一种在外力强制下的被动行为、他控行为。学生常常在盲目、“无我”的状态下进行学习和作业甚至是逃避学英语,很少能感兴趣的自控的主动的完成英语学习活动。这种缺乏能动性、自觉性的被动学习,完全丧失了我国教改的意义。 简单介绍本人在支教期间进行的课堂对比实验,如采取游戏、比赛等形式授课之后进行成绩测验再与平述授课之后所得测试成绩进行比较,说明自己的观点。教师应在《新课标》指引下,努力创设生动和真实的语言环境,让学生在自主学习、合作学习、探究学习中逐渐形成学习英语的兴趣和爱好,形成在动态真实环境中使用英语进行活动的积极性,让生活走进课堂。

Currently in China, on the basis of education reform high voice, basic education reform efforts have been stepped up. How to train students ability to innovate, the issue of ability to practice much social concern. English teaching methods despite some reforms, but when the protagonist is still the teacher, when students supporting, students unable to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, to stimulate student interest in learning. The exam-oriented education in many abuses have not been corrected, biased towards duck educate teachers, the change makes learning English fun, fear and hate lead students learn English. Therefore, the interest in learning the training, students learn English as quickly as possible to improve the passive situation, the foreign language teachers have become the primary task facing. Students in the classroom to learn the improvement is imperative. Educational Psychology tells us: "The only things of interest to students, students will be active in thinking, in the most simple and effective way to acquire knowledge, they will also threw himself into learning activities, thereby gaining a multiplier effect." ( Guguanjie, 1986) English in the teaching of students interested in study on the impact of the status quo from the domestic situation, which is now in the initial stages of exploration and understanding. In different theoretical basis under the guidance of different people for a wide range of exploration. Liu Shu声说: "students interested in learning will take the initiative to learn. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, teaching materials in accordance with how the actual characteristics and students, students evoked interest in learning is worth studying." ( " Teaching Daquan "1991) all countries in the world to promote education reform and improve the quality of the people and comprehensive ability. Emphasize a variety of teaching activities. American linguist acquisition of a foreign language for a long-term study, put forward a variety of different theories. In today's society of economic globalization, the growing importance of foreign language was recognized by all countries in the world. And how teaching is the centre of national education reform, foreign language teaching from the strategy adopted by, the diversity of teaching means a considerable weight, especially interested in teaching is the precursor to the teaching methods, students decided to take the initiative to inculcate self-study or passive learning the key.
From modern society's demand for qualified personnel perspective. English becoming an increasingly important means of communication, it requires social talents perfect English proficiency. Teaching presence from the current view of the issues, the traditional English learning methods in the study to establish the object, the mobility, dependence on the side, resulting in the main, initiative and independence of the constantly erode. English classroom teaching for a long time followed Mantangguan teaching mode, so that students become a compulsory under the external passive, he controlled behavior. Students often blindly, "without me" status under study and work even avoid learning English, rarely interested in the completion of the initiative-controlled English learning activities. This lack of initiative and awareness of passive learning, completely lost the significance of China's reform. I briefly during the teaching classroom experiments, such as taking games, competitions and other forms instruction after the test results with the reference medium-after comparing test results from that of our own. Teachers should be in the "New Curriculum" under the guidance of efforts to create lively and authentic language environment for the students in the independent studies, cooperative learning, inquiry learning gradually formed in the interest of learning English and hobbies, and the real form in a dynamic environment for the use of English activities of the initiative and bringing people into the classroom.