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(英语课老师让我们进行三分钟英文演讲 希望大家帮帮我) 内容:

大家好 很高兴能站在这里发言 今天我想谈的是我的兴趣爱好之一 写博客 2年前 我写下我第一篇网络日志 从此便一发不可收拾 其实我并不擅长写作 我只是喜欢上这种用日志记录生活的方式 我用博客记录生活只是一厢情愿想跟大家分享我的心情 我在博客中记录一些生活中有趣的片段 与朋友分享 每每在无聊的时候回看这些日志 我会很开心 现在那些网络日志已经成为我的珍爱 因为他们留住了我一些快乐的记忆 我想我会坚持以这种方式记录生活 这些永远是我曾经快乐生活的见证 这是我的博客地址:www.ermus.cn 很好记 ermu是我的英文名 ermus就是ermu's的意思 欢迎你们的到来
拜托不要用机器翻译啊 谢谢啊

Good day everyone I m glad to be here and talk about one of my hobbies today: writing blogs. I wrote down my first internet log 2 years ago, and i could not stop myself ever since, I m not actually talented on composition, I just enjoy they way that it records my everyday life; to share my frames of mind and the moments that used to be fun. Everytime when i get bored, I start to read through back these blogs, and they make me happy. The blogs now have became my precious happy memories, I will keep on to this way of recording my life, and they will be the evidences of my grateful life when I look back in the future.
www.ermus.cn is the web address of mine, ermu is my name, always welcome you to join in.
第1个回答  2008-10-26
大家好 很高兴能站在这里发言 今天我想谈的是我的兴趣爱好之一 写博客 2年前 我写下我第一篇网络日志 从此便一发不可收拾 其实我并不擅长写作 我只是喜欢上这种用日志记录生活的方式 我用博客记录生活只是一厢情愿想跟大家分享我的心情 我在博客中记录一些生活中有趣的片段 与朋友分享 每每在无聊的时候回看这些日志 我会很开心 现在那些网络日志已经成为我的珍爱 因为他们留住了我一些快乐的记忆 我想我会坚持以这种方式记录生活 这些永远是我曾经快乐生活的见证 这是我的博客地址:www.ermus.cn 很好记 ermu是我的英文名 ermus就是ermu's的意思 欢迎你们的到来


We are pleased to be able to better speak here today, I would like to talk about my hobbies to write one of the blog 2 years ago, I wrote my first blog will never be out of control in fact I am not good at writing, I just like This logging on with life the way I record live blog is just wishful thinking would like to share my feelings in my blog to record some of life's interesting clips to share with friends in the often bored when I look back at these logs will be very happy
Now that blogs have become my treasure because they retain some of my happiest memories I do not think I will stick to this way of life of these records will always have a happy life and I bear witness that this is my blog address: www.ermus. cn good ermu remember is my English name ermus is ermu's meant to welcome your arrival