
对于能源和水资源的使用,要提高所有员工和来到医院的人员的意识。对于员工可以进行开会,培训来宣传,对于其他的人员可以通过宣传栏, 一些标牌。当然在整个过程中如果想知道有什么不足的地方那么还要进行一些问卷调查,可以对于这个方面做个全面的了解,然后得到反馈信息,或者可以设立意见箱。经理 还可以组织开放的会议,然后让大家来讨论。通过上面的调查,经理可以得出哪些做的不足,哪些还没有做,这样在今后可以加以改正
制订了方案然后具体的实施,首先要号召人们再利用这个资源,包括能源和水. 还需要新的购买,设定相应的长期的和短期的目标。

根据以上分析,制定计划和分析。计划中最基本的是费用,在购买的时候要做到合理的预算。 成本分析的好处, 决定引进设备的时候有些可以是低等的,有些是高等的,所以要警醒合理的分配,有个长期的和短期的计划,还要考虑有些东西的寿命周期。

The energy and water use, it is necessary to increase the staff and all came to the hospital staff's awareness. The staff can be met in order to promote the training and other personnel through advocacy column, a number of signs. Throughout this process, of course, if you want to know what deficiencies it would also send out questionnaires, this can be a complete picture of the area, and then get feedback, or you can set up a suggestion box.Managers can also open the meeting, and then let us discuss. Through the top of the survey, managers can be less than what to do and what not to do so in the future can be developed to correct the program and specific implementation of the first calls on people to reuse the resources, including energy and water. Require new The purchase, set up the appropriate long-term and short-term goals.

Energy conservation and the use of the Who, first of all, can use the publicity. Second, can you do in the previous budget, and then later used the data to come up with a comparison
Based on the above analysis, planning and analysis. Plan is the most basic expenses, to buy time in order to achieve a reasonable budget. Cost-benefit analysis and decided to introduce a time when some equipment may be low, some are higher, so to alert a reasonable allocation, there is a long-term and short-term plans, but also something of the life cycle.