

目前,他主要从事表面材料科学的研究工作,主要研究方向为微纳米材料的设计、开发及应用。他的研究工作涉及材料化学、无机化学、高分子化学、表面化学、摩擦化学、材料物理等多学科的交叉;他主要致力于能源材料特殊微纳米结构与性能之间的关系及器件组装等方面的研究,最终目的是旨在材料合成、组装及材料改性两个层面上解决新能源材料研制过程中的关键性问题,在节能的基础上进一步提高新能源材料的利用效率。坚持不懈的潜心研究已经取得了阶段性成果,近年来共发表SCI源期刊论文40 余篇,分别发表在《J.Am. Chem. Soc.》、《Chem. Commun.》、《Chem. Eur. J.》、《J. Mater. Chem.》、《J. Phys. Chem. C 》、《Cryst. Growth Des.》、《Chem. Mater.》《Appl. Phys. Lett.》等国际著名化学、材料和物理类杂志上,其中影响因子大于5.0的有7篇,影响因子大于4.0的有22篇,总的引用次数近200次,其中他引160多次;研究论文《新型硼酸酯润滑油添加剂的合成、水解稳定性及摩擦学特性研究》和《由超高热质子碰撞引发的表面吸附有机小分子的交联反应及超薄聚合物薄膜的形成》曾两次(第七和第九届)获得河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖;《原位生长由完美六角形单晶组成的碘化铅薄膜》等7篇研究论文获得河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;曾参加第一届亚洲摩擦学大会并作会议报告;三次参加香港化学年会,并在2002年的年会上代表香港中文大学博士研究生作大会报告。
4、仿生合成的研究及其在相转变材料(PCM)等领域中的应用 近年来代表性论文(影响因子3.0以上)及专利:
9. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*,Z.Y. Shui,M.Q. Long,J. Yu,K.W. Wong,L. Yang,L.Z. Zhang,W.M. Lau,“Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/ Dendritic- Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals” J. Phys. Chem. C 112,2845 (2008).
8. Z. Zheng*,A.R. Liu,S.M. Wang,B.J. Huang,X.T. Zhang,K.W. Wong,W.M. Lau,“Growth of highly oriented (110) CuI films with sharp exiton band” J. Mater. Chem. 18,852 (2008). (impact factor: 4.3).
7. Z. Zheng*,B. J. Huang,H. Q. Ma,X. P. Zhang,Z. Liu,K. W. Wong,W.M. Lau,“Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3 with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures” Cryst. Growth Des. 7,1912 (2007). (impact factor: 4.3).
6. Z. Zheng,K.W. Wong,W.C. Lau,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films” Chem. Eur. J. 13,3187 (2007). (impact factor: 5.0).
5. H.X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*,K.W. Wong,S.M. Wang,B.J. Huang,D.P. Li,“Fabrication and electrochemical performance of nickel ferrite nanoparticles as anode material in lithium-ion batteries” Electrochem. Comm. 9,2606 (2007). (impact factor: 3.4).
4. Z. Zheng,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“A new cross-linking route via the unusual collision kinematics of hyperthermal proton in unsaturated hydrocarbon: the case of poly(trans-isoprene)” Chem. Comm. 3122,(2006). (impact factor: 4.5).
3. Z. Zheng*,A.R. Liu,S.M. Wang,Y. Wang,Z.S. Li,W.M. Lau,L.Z. Zhang,“In situ growth of epitaxial lead iodide films composed of hexagonal single crystals” J. Mater. Chem. 15,4555 (2005). (impact factor: 4.3).
2. Z. Zheng,X.D. Xu,X.L. Fan,W.M. Lau R.W.M. Kwok,“Ultrathin polymer film formation by collision-induced cross-Linking of adsorbed organic molecules with hyperthermal protons” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126,12336 (2004). (impact factor:7.7).
1. J.C. Yu,L.Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng,J.C. Zhao,“Synthesis and characterization of phosphated mesoporous Titanium dioxide with high photocatalytic activity”,Chem. Mater. 15,2280 (2003). (impact factor: 5.1).
Full Publication list:
35. C. Y. Choi,Z. Zheng,K. W. Wong,Z. L. Du,W. M. Lau,R. X. Du,Fabrication of cross-linked multi-walled carbon nanotube coatings with improved adhesion and intrinsic strength by a two-step synthesis: electrochemical deposition and hyperthermal proton bombardment,Appl. Phys. A,accepted.
34. J.M. Gong,X.L. Hu,K.W. Wong,Z. Zheng,L. Yang,W.M. Lau,and R.X. Du,“Chitosan Nanostructures with Controllable Morphology by a Non-aqueous Electrochemical Approach” Adv. Mater.,(2008),In press.
33. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*,Z.Y. Shui,M.Q. Long,J. Yu,K.W. Wong,L. Yang,L.Z. Zhang,W.M. Lau,“Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/ Dendritic- Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals” J. Phys. Chem. C 112,2845 (2008).
32. Z. Zheng*,A.R. Liu,S.M. Wang,B.J. Huang,X.T. Zhang,K.W. Wong,W.M. Lau,“Growth of highly oriented (110) CuI films with sharp exiton band” J. Mater. Chem. 18,852 (2008). (impact factor: 4.3).
31. Z. Zheng*,A. R. Liu,S. M. Wang,B. J. Huang,X. M. Ma,H. X. Zhao,D. P. Li,L. Z. Zhang,“In-situ fabrication of AgI films on various substrates” Mater. Res. Bull. doi:10.1016/j. materresbull.2007.09.017. (impact factor: 1.4).
30. L.W. Mi,M.L. Han,D.P. Li,W.H. Chen,and Zhi Zheng*,“A novel two-dimensional cadmium polymeric aminonaphthalene sulfonate and its application in the synthesis of CdS materials” Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 373,(2008),(impact factor: 1.2).
29. Z. Zheng*,S. M. Wang,D. P. Li,A. R. Liu,B. J. Huang,H. X. Zhao,Z. L. Zhang,“Morphology-controlled synthesis of lead iodide compounds from lead foils and iodine” J. Cryst. Growth 308,398(2007),(impact factor: 1.8).
28. N. S. Lam,K. W. Wong,Q. Li,Z. Zheng and W. M. Lau Controllable size reduction of CdSe nanowires through intermediate formation of Se-coated CdSe nanowires by using acid and thermal treatment Nanotechnology,18,415607 (2007). (impact factor: 3.0).
27. Z. Zheng*,B. J. Huang,H. Q. Ma,X. P. Zhang,Z. Liu,K. W. Wong,W.M. Lau,“Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3 with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures” Cryst. Growth Des. 7,1912 (2007). (impact factor: 4.3).
26. H. X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*,K. W. Wong,S.M. Wang,B.J. Huang,D.P. Li,“Fabrication and electrochemical performance of nickel ferrite nanoparticles as anode material in lithium-ion batteries” Electrochem. Comm. 9,2606 (2007). (impact factor: 3.4).
25. L. Xi,Z. Zheng,N-S. Lam,O. Grizzi,W.M. Lau,Effects of hyperthermal proton bombardment on alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer on Au (1 1 1),Appl. Surf. Sci. 254,113 (2007). (impact factor: 1.4).
24. W.M. Lau,Z. Zheng,Y. H. Wang,Y. Luo,L. Xi,K. W. Wong,and K. Y. Wong,“Cross-linking organic semiconducting molecules by preferential C-H cleavage via “chemistry with a tiny hammer” Can. J. Chem. 85,859 (2007). (impact factor: 1.3).
23. J. Rafique,J. Yu,J.L. Yu,G. Fang,K. W. Wong,Z. Zheng,C. H. Ong,and W. M. Lau,“Electrospinning highly aligned long polymer nanofibers on large scale by using a tip collector” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90,63126 (2007). (impact factor: 4.0).
22. X. T. Zhang,Z. Liu,Z. Zheng,S. K. Harka,“Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of well-aligned Ga-doped N-rich SiOxNy nanowire bundles”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 90,183110 (2007). (impact factor: 4.0).
21. Z. Zheng,K.W. Wong,W.C. Lau,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films” Chem. Eur. J. 13,3187 (2007). (impact factor: 5.1).
20. L.R. Lu,Z.H. Ai,J.P. Li,Z. Zheng,Q. Li,L.Z. Zhang,“Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Nanowires and Nanonecklaces” Cryst. Growth Des. 7,459 (2007). (impact factor: 4.3).
19. J. Yu,Z. Zheng,H. C. Ong,K. Y. Wong,W. M. Lau,S. Matsumoto,“Thermal stability of cubic boron nitride films deposited by chemical vapor deposition” J. Phys. Chem. B 110,21073 (2006). (impact factor: 4.0).
18. Y. Huang,Z. Zheng,Z. H. Ai,L. Z. Zhang,X. X. Fang,and Z.G. Zou, “Core-Shell Microspherical Ti1-xZrxO2 Solid Solutions Photocatalysts Directly from Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis” J. Phys. Chem. B 110,19323 (2006). (impact factor: 4.0)
17. Z. Zheng,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“A New Cross-linking Route via the Unusual Collision Kinematics of Hyperthermal Proton in Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: the Case of Poly(trans-isoprene)” Chem. Comm. 3122,(2006). (impact factor: 4.5).
16. H. Qiao,X. Zhu,Z. Zheng,L. Liu,l.Z. Zhang,“Synthesis of V3O7.H2O nanobelts as cathode materials for lithium–ion batteries” Electrochemistry Comm. 8,21 (2006),(impact factor: 3.4)
15. J.C. Yu,X. L. Hu,Q. Li,Z.Zheng,Y. M. Xu,“Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Selenium/Carbon Colloids and Hollow Carbon Capsules” Chem. A Eur. J. 12,548 (2006) (impact factor,5.0).
14. A.R. Liu,S.M. Wang,Y.R. Zhao,Z.Zheng,“Low-temperature preparation of nanocrystalline TiO2 photocatalyst with a very large specific surface area” Mater. Chem. Phy. 99,131 (2006). (impact factor: 1.1)
13. Z. Zheng*,A.R. Liu,S. M. Wang,Y. Wang,Z. S. Li,W. M. Lau,and L. Z. Zhang,“In situ growth of epitaxial lead iodide films composed of hexagonal single crystals” J. Mater. Chem. 15,4555 (2005). (impact factor,4.3).
12. L. Z. Zhang,J.C. Yu,Z. Zheng,and C. W. Leung,“Fabrication of hierarchical porous iron oxide films utilizing the Kirkendall effect” Chem. Comm. 21,2683 (2005). (impact factor,4.5).
11. Z. Zheng,X.D. Xu,X.L. Fan,W.M. Lau and R.W.M. Kwok,“Ultrathin Polymer Film Formation by Collision-Induced Cross-Linking of Adsorbed Organic Molecules with Hyperthermal Protons” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126,12336 (2004),(impact factor,7.7).
10. J.C. Yu,L.Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng,and J. Zhao,“Synthesis and characterization of phosphated mesoporous Titanium dioxide with high photocatalytic activity”,Chemistry Material 15,2280 (2003),(impact factor,5.1).
9. J.G. Yu,J.C. Yu,B. Cheng,X.J. Zhao,Z. Zheng,and A.S.K. Li,“Atomic force microscopic studies of porous TiO2 thin films prepared by the Sol-Gel method”,J. Sol-Gel Sci. And Tech. 24,229 (2002). (impact factor: 1.2)
8. Z. Zheng,R.W.M. Kwok,“Surface modification of docosanoic acid thin film using low energy hydrogen beam” Ninth Symposium on chemistry in HK,Oral-7 (2002).
7. G.Q. Shen,Z. Zheng,Y. Wan,X.D. Xu,and L.L. Cao,Synergistic lubricating effects of borate ester with heterocyclic compound,Wear 246,55 (2000). (impact factor: 1.4)
6. G.Q. Shen,Z. Zheng,Y. Wan,and L.L. Cao Hydrolytic stability and triboligical properties of organic borate esters as lubricant additives”,Journal of Tsinghua University 39,(1999).
5. X.H. Wu,J.Y. Liu,X.Q. Qiu,Y. liang,Z. Zheng,C.W. Liu,and Q.M. Zhu,“Properties of the ultra-thin Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst obtained by oxalate colloid method”,Chemical Engineering of natural gas 24,(1999).
4. Z. Zheng,G.Q. Shen,Y. Yong,X.D. Xu,L.L. Cao,T.J. Sun,and Q.X. Yue,Synthesis,hydrolytic stability and tribological properties of novel borate esters containing nitrogen as lubricant additives,Wear 222,135 (1998). (impact factor: 1.4)
3. X.D. Xu,Y. Wan,L.L. Cao,Z. Zheng,and G.Q. Shen,Synthesis and tribological characteristics of S-(1H-benzimidazo-2-yl) methyl,N,N-dioctyldithiocarbamate as novel lubricant additives,Proceedings of ASIATRB'98,151 (1998).
2. Y. Wan,X.D. Xu,Z. Zheng,and L.L. Cao,Performance evaluation of 2-mercaptobenzole derivatives as potential lubricant additives,Proceedings of ASIATRB'98,182 (1998).
1. Z. Zheng,G.Q. Shen,Y. Yong,X.D. Xu,L.L. Cao,T.J. Sun,and Q.X. Yue,New types of borate esters containing nitrogen as lubricant additives: synthesis,hydrolytic stability,friction reducing and anti-wear properties,Proceedings of ASIATRB'98,Vol 1,159 (1998). 《实用化学》副主编;1998年9月,陕西师大出版社,ISBN7-5613-1901-0。
1. 郑直等,“一种制备纳米金属碘化物薄膜的化学方法” 专利申请号:200610146056.3(第一发明人)
2. 郑直等,“一种制备交联聚合物薄膜的化学方法”,专利申请号:200610107389.5(第一发明人)
3. 杜如虚,黄家伟,郑直等,“制备特殊微纳米结构水合盐相转变材料的化学方法”,专利申请号:200610107390.8.
4. 郑直等,“树枝状硒化银纳米晶薄膜材料及制备方法”,专利申请号:200710052721.7(第一发明 1、以低能氢离子束为引发剂制备表面功能性可控的交联聚合物薄膜的研究(国家自然科学基金[20574058],2005,25万元,主持人)
2、纳米单晶碘化物薄膜材料的原位生长及表征 (河南省自然科学基金[611021900],2006年,2万元,主持人)。
4、聚合物表面碳主链接技COOH (香港政府科学研究基金: 4106/98P,1999,主要完成人)
