

BBC版Anyone who offends China will be killed no matter how far away the target is.
中国外交部版We have zero tolerance for those who dare to offend our country.
好莱坞版We will find you and we will kill you!
古龙武侠版You are dead meat!
中国网民版No Zuo, No Die!
第1个回答  2018-07-18
Those who invade China will have nowhere to hide!!!
第2个回答  2017-08-04
if you dare to offend China

we will find you and kill you

Anyone who dares to offend China will be eventually punished, no matter how far they are.
第3个回答  2015-04-25
I am committed to the Chinese, though much will punish
第4个回答  2015-04-25