

Zhongguancun in northwestern Beijing, the North Fourth Ring Road west. Beijing University and Qinghua University, according to 1.30%, adjacent to each other. Summer Palace and the ancient imperial garden Yuanmingyuan (sites) in the vicinity, about 12 km from the mountain. Traffic routes from Beijing Capital International Airport to the park, took a taxi (about 100 million fare); CAD or bus ride (about 12 yuan fares), to the contemporary mall alight, or (South) walk to the Friendship Hotel. or (north) in the ipsilateral Mall Road 320 boarding a bus, get off at the station to the east of Zhongguancun. From the Beijing West Railway Station to the park, sending 320 trucks could use to terminate the Zhongguancun East alight. From Beijing's point of the park, the first ride, which departs from the direction of the orchard-MTR, the Military Museum alight in the south of the Military Museum (southbound) bus ride to the Zhongguancun East Road 320 and get off at the station. If driving to the park, proposed by the North Third Ring Road north to the park. Zhongguancun Science Park is to brief the Zhongguancun Science Park in 1988 the State Council approved the establishment of five menstrual China's first state-level high-tech industrial development zones. Zhongguancun Science Park management committee of government agencies to implement unified leadership and management of the park. In June 1999 the State Council officially approved the Beijing municipal government and the Ministry of Science and Technology on the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, The request to speed up the construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park. agreed in principle on a request to speed up the construction of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park and development plans, This is the Chinese government strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, strengthen the country's comprehensive national strength and the ability to innovate is a major strategic decision-making. Central leaders have made repeated visits to the Zhongguancun Science Park and guide our work. Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing covering technology, intelligence, the regions with the highest concentration of talent and information resources, Park has Qinghua University, Beijing University and other institutions high as 39, about 400,000 college students. CAS research institutions for representative of the various types and levels of 213, of which 41 national engineering centers. 42 key laboratories, 10 state-level enterprise technical centers. After more than 10 years of development of the Zhongguancun Science Park has formed a seven Park District, the development pattern, including Haidianyuan, Fengtai Park. Changping Park's electronic town-Tech Park, Yi-Tech Park, De Park and Approaches. Haidianyuan which is the main function of the development of high-tech achievements, radiation, incubator and commercial center. six other Park main function is the development of high-tech industry base. Haidianyuan located in the Haidian District, covers 217 square kilometers planning; Fengtai District in the southern suburb of Fengtai Park. Changping park is located northwest of Changping District, as a high-tech industrial base, the two parks, covering an area of 5 square km. Yi-Tech Park is located in the southeast of Beijing-Tianjin - Tangshan expressway starting area of seven square kilometers; Electronic City Jiuxianqiao technology park is located in north-east of the capital, with an area of 10.5 square kilometers; De technology park located in Beijing's Xicheng District, Planning Area covers an area of about six square kilometers; Approaches located in the Chaoyang District, Beijing. an area of about 4.2 square kilometers. composed of seven parks along the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing layout of the distinctive and vibrant high-tech industrial belt. There will be more than the seven types of high-tech enterprises, of which there are Legend, Founder and other well-known companies. There Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, represented by more than 1,600 foreign-funded enterprises. multinational companies to set up branches in the park has reached 112, including 41 R & D institutions. CMC committed to the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in recent years, the park infrastructure, hardware environment. intensify planning and investment, in the central area through diversified investment and financing, speeding up the construction of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Center business district, the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology Science City, Beijing University Science Park and the Tsinghua Science Park. Development focus in the planning and construction of the Zhongguancun Software Park, Zhongguancun Life Science Park, Beijing University Biological City, on the bases of information industry, high-tech industry base in 1986, a number of specialized industrial base. With the rapid development of high-tech enterprises in the industrialization of space. IN 2004 the Summer Palace park there, Yuanmingyuan, 86 historical and natural scenic spots, such as the work is very suitable for life, living. As China's first national-level high-tech industrial development zones in the past 10 years. Zhongguancun Science Park's economic development has maintained 30% growth rate. 2004, the high-tech enterprises in the park is expected to achieve sales revenue of 360 billion yuan, an increase of 25%. taxes paid 13.3 billion yuan, an increase of 11% of GDP 76 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25%. Beijing area equivalent to 18% of the gross domestic product, has become an important source of economic development in Beijing. created a number of new technology enterprises with independent intellectual property rights. Park currently has more than 14,000 high-tech enterprises, and the birth of new high-tech enterprises in 4268, and meet the requirements of a number of market economy mechanism in the formation of new groups. laid an important foundation for the development of high-tech industries. In recent years, the park has attracted a large number of students as the main international talent and entrepreneurial team results from a number of high-end technology and business students. Entrepreneurial enterprises has reached more than 2,500 students, nearly 6,000 students were engaged. Zhongguancun Science Park has become an incubator of all kinds of high-tech enterprises and the growth of scientific and technological achievements into the cradle. Currently, the park has Zhongguancun International Incubator. Fengtai Technology Center (with the international technology business incubators IBI), Haidian Park pioneering study, Tsinghua Science Park and other incubator 39. Zhongguancun Science Park attaches great importance to the development of international economic and technological cooperation and actively participate in international economic and trade activities. Making full use of international capital for the development of various high-tech industries. To the end of 2004, the park has more than 1,600 foreign-funded enterprises, accounting for 11.4% of total enterprises. Play a tremendous role in the 21st century is the era of knowledge capital. Zhongguancun Science Park to its rich intellectual resources and technology effectively regulate the market and government regulation. in the economic and technological globalization, the development by leaps and bounds.