between 和 among的区别?


among, between, amid, amongst


among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。

between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。

among �
〔误〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?
〔正〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?
〔析〕 among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。
第1个回答  2006-05-28
among, between, amid, amongst


among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。

between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。

among �
〔误〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?
〔正〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?
〔析〕 among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。
第2个回答  2006-05-28
between two points
among three or more
第3个回答  2006-05-28
between是两者之间 among是三者或三者以上之间