人教版 初一上学期英语测试题

人教版 初一上学期英语测试题




第1个回答  2008-12-03


1. There are seven _______ (box) under the window.

2. Let’s ___ (go)out for a walk.

3. The car over there isn‘t ________ (me).
4. Can he speak _____( China)?
5. His teacher ________ (be) Miss Gao.

1. There are many bikes and cars in the s_________.
2. My f________ subject is English.

3. Why was Tom late yesterday? B of the rain.
4. Look! The kite are in the s______.
5. The book is very i . I like it very much.

6. I see some g_______ on the table

7. I like play basketball and v_________.

8. My bag isn’t h________, I can carry it.
9. We have no classes on Saturdays and S _______.

10. Jane is an A________ girl.


( )1.He has _____ lights in the room.
A.any B.no C.a D.not some

( )2. I can’t play _________piano.

A. a B. X C. the D. an

( )3. Does she have _____ brothers and sisters?

A. a B. some C. any D. /

( )4. Everyone _____ my purse looks like yours.
A.say B.says C.tells D.tell

( )5.She has a sister, he has _____, too.
A.the one B.ones C.one D.her

( )6. Your coat is here. Please _______.

A. put it on B. put on it C. puts it on D. puts on it

( )7. 8.It’s Jim‘s bag. Give ____, please.
A.it him B.him it C.them him D.him them

( )9.----____ are they? ---They are my friends.
A.Who B.Whose C.Which D.What

( )10. Jane doesn’t like rice______bread.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )11.It’s _____ black. It‘s _____ black car.
A.…./… B.a/… C.…/a D.a/a

( )12. ______ can you see a picture? On the wall.

A. Where B. What C. Who D. Which

( )13.Which of the two policemen ____ Mike?
A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )14. -----______ is in her room?

--- Her friend.

A. Who B. How C. Where D. What

( )15.Can you _____ the number of the bus? Yes, I can.
A.listen B.look C.see D.meet

( )16. She enjoys _____ her mother.

A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps

( )17.Don’t sit on the chair, there _____ on it.
A.is some water B.are some water
C.is any water D.are any water

( )18.This is Rose‘s sweater, put _____ on her beD.
A.them B.it C.this D.that

( )19. Ann’s birthday is _____ May 1.

A.on B.at C.in D.of

( )20. Tom is doing his homework in the room. I am doing .

A. hers B. my C. mine D. theirs


1.Maria wants to go to a movie.(改为一般疑问句)

_____Maria ______ to go to a movie.

2. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk. (否定句)
There ______ ______ flowers on the teacher’s desk.

3. His shoes are fifteen dollars. (划线提问)

______ ______ are his shoes?

4. We have forty-four classes in our school. (同义句)
______ _______ classes in our school.

5. The teacher can help kids with English.(变一般疑问句)

______the teacher ________kids with English?

6. It’s nine ten. (划线部分提问)
_______ the time?
7.Are those flowers yellow? (用green 改选择疑问句)
Are those flowers yellow green?
8. ---Can you help me with my math this Sunday?

---Sorry, I ________.

A. can’t B. don’t C. am not D. can

9.We have ten books in the bag. (划线部分提问)
_______ _______ books do you have in the bag?
V.阅读理解: (10分)

One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too . Bill wants to buy some picture—books and colour pencils , too . There are many people in the shop . They are men and women , old and young . They all want to buy something there .

( )1.Mr Green goes to the shop with .

A.Mrs green B.his son C.his daughter D.his father

( )2.Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for .

A.Bill’s mother B.Bill C.his friend D.other people

( )3.Bill likes .

A.all the things B.the new blouse C.oranges D.orange

( )4.Bill wants to buy .

A. some picture—books B.some colour pencils

C.clothes in the shop D.A and B

( )5.The shop is .

A.empty B.close C.full of children D.full of people



Kate : Tom ! Tom !

Tom : 1

Kate : Look , My kite is in the tree . I … I can’t get it down .

Tom : 2 let me help you . 3

Kate : Oh , thank you . 4 Tom . thank you for your help .

Tom : 5

A. Don’t worry .

B. It’s all right .

C. What’s wrong ?

D. Catch !

E. You’re welcome.



1) sunny, last Sunday 2) Mike, homework, 8:30, morning 3) with his friend, 5:00, afternoon 4) bed, 10:00, night本回答被网友采纳