

确认过眼神,我遇见对的人用英语表示为:Look at the eyes,I met the right person。其中person的英式发音为[ˈpɜ:sn],美式发音为[ˈpɜ:rsn], 意思有:人,(语法)人称,身体,容貌。
1、The team found significant differences in timing of when girls or boys would look at the eyes, suggesting they aren't following the same cues.

2、Are not sufficient to benefit more than the kind of loss of life, some people only look at the eyes Forever longest piece of board, only to see Forever led goats.
3、Can you look attentively at the eyes of a Chinese when talking with him or her?
4、Accept the enlightenment thoughts town writer, in the city, with a critical look at the small eyes examine tradition, the town and the town people behind the survival condition, but also for modern commercial civilization city expressed deeply worried feelings under.
5、Have a look at the most beautiful eyes.
6、I feel no superiority over my beloved pets when I look at them in the eyes, and eventually after they lived with me long enough to communicate Fortunately I don't expect them to take my courses.
7、When you look at someone in the eyes, it sets an arousal state in the body.
8、Will want you to look at them in the eyes, smile at you and say," Look, I would never cheat on you, I never have before and I never will. "
第1个回答  2018-04-13
The very first sight of her made him fall in love with her.
第2个回答  2008-11-27
Have been confirmed in the eyes, I met people on the
第3个回答  2018-05-02
From what I can see in your eyes,I know you are my Mr,right.
第4个回答  推荐于2018-05-02
Eyesight to confirmed,I to fall in right people.本回答被网友采纳