
1)中国启动西部大开发战略,来帮助经济落后的西部赶上相对繁荣的东部。(launch/keep up with)
(warn sb.against/at the cost of)
3)知道你辞职我才意识到这个工作没有意义。(not until)
5)覆水难收(It is no use...)

1. China Launches the western development strategy, to help the economically backward west keep up with the relatively prosperous eastern part.
2. He warned the whole society against developing the economy at the cost of environment.
3. I don't know the work makes no sense until your resignation.
4. It is the small mountain village they met for the first time, which was introduced by me.
5. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
第1个回答  2008-10-10
1 China to start the western development strategy, to help the economically backward west catch up with the relatively prosperous eastern
2 He warned that the whole society to the environment should not come at the cost of developing the economy
3 I know that you are aware resignation of the work makes no sense
4 It is in this small mountain village for the first time they met this little mountain village I was introduced.
5 Spilt water can't be gathered up. 这个也行:
What is done can't be undone
第2个回答  2008-10-10
参考答案: 这可是我亲手帮你翻译的啊,希望能帮你,呵呵~~
1.China has launched the strategy of developing the West in order to help the west to keep up with the booming of the east.

2.He warned the whole society against developing the economy at the cost of environment.

3.I am not aware that the job is worthyless until your resignation.

4.It is just in the small village I refered to that they met for the first time.

5.It is no use crying over spilt milk.
第3个回答  2008-10-10

1,China has launched the develop-the-west strategy to help the western region (which is poor)keep up with the relatively prosperous eastern area. 括号中的可以省略吧
2,He warns the whole society against the development of the economy at the cost of environment.
3,I didn't realize the meaninglessness of the job until your resignation.
4,It is in the small mountain village I recommended that they first met.
5,It is no use crying over spilt milk.
第4个回答  2008-10-10
1.China to start the western development strategy, to help the economically backward west catch up with the relatively prosperous eastern.
2.He warned that the whole society to the environment should not come at the cost of developing the economy.
3.I know that you are aware resignation of the work was meaningless.
4.It is in this small mountain village for the first time they met this little mountain village I was introduced.

