
征询他对那个问题的看法以及帮你摆脱困扰的方法。1.你的问题 2.你的问题给你带来的困扰 3.你给JACK写信的目的。要自己写的别百度十五分钟内少一分钟加两分

Dear Jack

Hey Jack, it's been a long time since I last say you! Listen, I've got a problem that really frustrates me and you're the only person that can help me out. You see, my worst subject is English so who better to ask than my best friend from the US? The problem is I've got a PowerPoint Presentation that I need to present in English in two days and there's no way I can accurately translate the entire script by myself. I actually have about two thirds of it translated already, but I'm not sure about the accuracy and there's still one third left to go. So can you please help me out? I've attached the script as a PDF file with this email so all you have to do is download the small file to see. I'll treat you to anything you want the next time you come visit on the holidays so please just help me! Thanks so much BF, TTFN!

Sincerely, Tony (放到右边去)

第1个回答  2013-12-29
Dear Tom
I am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. I work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good grades. I often do sports for about twenty minutes after school because it's good for my health and it can help me relax. I am going to take an important exam so that I can get into senior high. So I will try as hard as I can. How about you?
第2个回答  2013-12-29