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How to cultivate team spirit

First of all, there should be the overall concept. The team that everyone should be able to think about their own team do not think my team can do. A man in the face of things, should safeguard the overall interests of the collective as a common goal, and should make more use of things like collective point of view, from the overall interest of the problem, not just from their point of departure to deal with things, to learn how to switch.

Second, the conduct must be dedicated. A person in a group, the Federation of some unhappy things, this time to complete their work is a basic requirement of the team. U.S. President Harry S. Truman There is a famous motto: "The responsibility for this, please do not refuse!" This is the need for everyone remembering the words. Professionalism is an important part of the team, there is no professionalism, no group is an effective team, but also foster team spirit can not.

Third, we must have the ability to communicate. Communication is the beginning of the cooperation, good communication between a team must be well coordinated team. Does not there will be no efficient communication. Communication brought understanding, understanding to work together. At the same time, communication is also a clear objective of encouraging each other and coordinated to enhance the process of team cohesion. Human Resources Manager of IBM China Company Limited, said: "communication skills reflect a person's quality of a person very strong professional competence, but not the ability to communicate, we also should not be such a person."

The fourth is to have affinity. As the saying goes: "Liang made a three-Winter, wounding remarks cold June." In this respect more and more grass-roots, the era of civilians, has become a friendly team in the essential elements of a good team affinity, to narrow the gap between managers and employees, between employees and employees of the psychological distance in order to Have to maximize the effectiveness of the management and economic benefits.


第1个回答  2008-12-22
Fostering teamwork is creating a work culture that values collaboration. In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions and actions are better when done cooperatively. People recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that “none of us is as good as all of us.” (High Five)

It’s hard to find work places that exemplify teamwork. In America, our institutions such as schools, our family structures, and our pastimes emphasize winning, being the best, and coming out on top. Workers are rarely raised in environments that emphasize true teamwork and collaboration.

Organizations are working on valuing diverse people, ideas, backgrounds, and experiences. We have miles to go before valuing teams and teamwork will be the norm.

You can, however, create a teamwork culture by doing just a few things right. Admittedly, they’re the hard things, but with commitment and appreciation for the value, you can create an overall sense of teamwork in your organization.

Create a Culture of Teamwork
To make teamwork happen, these powerful actions must occur.

Executive leaders communicate the clear expectation that teamwork and collaboration are expected. No one completely owns a work area or process all by himself. People who own work processes and positions are open and receptive to ideas and input from others on the team.

Executives model teamwork in their interaction with each other and the rest of the organization. They maintain teamwork even when things are going wrong and the temptation is to slip back into former team unfriendly behavior.

The organization members talk about and identify the value of a teamwork culture. If values are formally written and shared, teamwork is one of the key five or six.

Teamwork is rewarded and recognized. The lone ranger, even if she is an excellent producer, is valued less than the person who achieves results with others in teamwork. Compensation, bonuses, and rewards depend on collaborative practices as much as individual contribution and achievement.

Important stories and folklore that people discuss within the company emphasize teamwork. (Remember the year the capsule team reduced scrap by 20 percent?) People who “do well” and are promoted within the company are team players.

The performance management system places emphasis and value on teamwork. Often 360 degree feedback is integrated within the system.
Tips for Team Building
Do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes when you think of team building? Traditionally, many organizations approached team building this way. Then, they wondered why that wonderful sense of teamwork, experienced at the retreat or seminar, failed to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work.

I’m not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities – in fact I lead them - but they have to be part of a larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by “retreating” as a group for a couple of days each year. Think of team building as something you do every single day.

Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project, not on figuring out how to work together as a team to approach it.

Hold department meetings to review projects and progress, to obtain broad input, and to coordinate shared work processes. If team members are not getting along, examine the work processes they mutually own. The problem is not usually the personalities of the team members. It’s the fact that the team members often haven’t agreed on how they will deliver a product or a service or the steps required to get something done.

Build fun and shared occasions into the organization’s agenda. Hold pot luck lunches; take the team to a sporting event. Sponsor dinners at a local restaurant. Go hiking or to an amusement park. Hold a monthly company meeting. Sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team fans.

Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings. I worked with an organization that held a weekly staff meeting. Participants took turns bringing a “fun” ice breaker to the meeting. These activities were limited to ten minutes, but they helped participants laugh together and get to know each other – a small investment in a big time sense of team.

Celebrate team successes publicly. Buy everyone the same t-shirt or hat. Put team member names in a drawing for company merchandise and gift certificates. You are limited in teamwork only by your imagination.
Take care of the hard issues above and do the types of teamwork activities listed here. You’ll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible - together
第2个回答  2008-12-22
第3个回答  2009-01-01
I suppsed the team is the people who fight for the same target and standard with harmony of solidarity as have same duty to devote. every member should follow as: 1.to help and care each others that is the case of the trait.if we lack of harmony and privity that not being meant a team,the member of team to care and help each others that must lead by the leaders,if our action is under the words so that we hold a big power,the leader must to care and help the people who need you help with heart. 2.be must hold the idear of that the advantage of team is more important than yourself own,the advantage of team is huge and yous are smallness,because of the each of team member wish of a good work surroundings so as to grown up with our cooperater,but a good condition is not create by any one but member of team tork together,all the member of team should hold same faith as:the team is my home,we work as the ideology little by little,the team if trust each other while the power of the team will show ou soon,to trust and care each others could help us put the advantage of own under your adventage of team. you want have a good achievement that must hold the team spirit ,i think the team work which means the member of team work for the same goal and advantage of team with collaboration each other.the core of team is devotion which is the impetus to the member of team to infuse the force to the team,the soul of the team is promises.no promises the team must in a state of disunity,the team will work together what if to do promises so that to become a strongly collectivity. most of people are confused between team and collectivity,the collectivity which meant any of people gather together,the collectivity are the tourist paty .who witch the game of football.who work at same units . the sudents attend class in the classroom or all the physicians work in the hospital that is collectivity,but i thought that the group must be work with same desirability and target of harmony and depend upon each other. the same tourist party that spell able guide set it up to a team and the ineffciency guide make everybody compained a lot, for example:to some landscape someone wants take more photo or have a deep looking but others are feel humdrum and leave there asap,so this are difference of wishes and target,it's time to go to bus but someone is late so that make all the people are compained,it could damage the harmonious relationship between tourist if guid being not figure it out in time,as with which seat tourist wants to take were no fixing so that make a problem is some of them always set in pool seat,finally!the tourist who come to bus early who could take a good seat .so that the person who set the seat before will compaied cause this is his seat,this situation because of lack of criterion and method so bring on phenomena of contradition,therefore to build a team not olny for the formal work place but also for daily life,if u are good at use this skills are also sorts the problem out to advance the relationship of cooperation to build up efficiency so that manage it to the same target!

参考资料:My Brain ,
