
chaste 贞洁的,纯洁侧,朴素的
conscientious 有责任心的,负责的,本着良心的
fair-minded 公正的,无偏见的
faithful 忠实的,详确的,可靠的
faultless 完美的,无缺的
meritorious 有功绩的,有价值的,可称赞的
moral 道德的,品行端正的,良心的
pure 纯粹的,纯洁的,完全的
reliable 可靠的,可信赖的
sincere 真诚的,正直的
upright 正直的,城市的,合乎正道的
virtuous 有品德的,善良的

Long time ago, there was a very beautiful Kingdom, their king was a very chaste

and conscientious lady.She was good at managing the nation,praised those

meritorious men and punish those immroal people.The ministers were reliable and

faithful to her.Thus,The whole kingdom seemed to be very harmonious.The queen had

a little virtuous princess, she loved deeply her very much.To give the little

princess the best concern,she summoned the whole country selecting a fair-minded

judge and upright judge to help the queen managing the kingdom.The judge had the

opportunity to marry the little princess.
As a result,this matter caused the very large sensation , and always didn't find a

ideal candidate.To attain the purpose by using all means,some sincere people in

the past changed bad. The whole selection became in vain,The originally pure thing

changed to be dirty.Finally,the queen realized that "there is no garden without

its weeds".
第1个回答  2008-10-19
sorry i donn"t know.but i want help you