

爬行的英语为:crawl; creep; serpent; trail; slither;


1.He Crawled On His Hands And Knees For 100 Metres.他爬行了100米.
2.A Deep Web Sources Focused Crawler's Crawling Strategy一种Deep Web聚焦爬虫爬行策略
3.A Baby Crawling On All Fours.一个匍匐爬行的婴儿
4.I Would Not Creep Along The Coast.我不愿在岸边爬行。
5.The Land Is Teeming With Reptile Life.这片土地多爬行动物。
6.The Child Is Crawling On All Fours.那个小孩用手脚爬行。
7.The Snake Sinuated Along The Ground.那蛇沿着地面蜿蜒爬行。
8.Children Learn To Creep Ere They Can Go.孩子要走路,先得学爬行。
9.He Crept Along On His Hands And Knees.他用手和膝盖向前爬行。
10.A Snake Is A Reptile.蛇是一种爬行动物。
11.A Family Of Reptiles Of The Order Pelycosauria.盘龙目爬行动物的一科。
12.376 Kinds Of Reptiles, 284 Kinds Of Amphibians;爬行类376种,两栖类284种;
13.A Reptile Genus Of The Suborder Euronithopoda.亚目的一种爬行类属。
14.A Reptile Genus Of Pelycosauria.爬行类盘龙目的一属。
15.A Reptile Genus Of The Suborder Sauropoda.亚目的爬行类的一属。
