

The abacus is to invent out in A.D. in 1592
The umbrella is that B.C. is invented by Lu Ban's wife in 1000
In 1837 French stage artist Dajier invents a camera
The same bicycle that we use is that Irish vet Dengluopu invents in 1888
Kebisihe who looks at the lotus Lanmiteerbao town in 1608 invents the earliest telescope
第1个回答  2012-12-10
The abacus was inviented in the six century by the Chinese(这是书上原句 算盘)
The umberealla was inviented in 1000 by the Chinese(伞)
The binoculars was inviented in 1608 by the Italy(双筒望远镜)
The camera was inviented in 1839 by the France(照相机)
The bicycle was inviented in 1971 by the Britain(自行车)



第2个回答  2008-11-27
相必仁兄是初三的吧,老师也让我们查来,那我就顺便告诉你吧:The umbralla was invented about 4000 years ago in Assyria ,China and Egupt.The binoculars was invented in 1854 by Egnation Porro in Italy.The camerra was invented in1827 byJoseph Nice phore Nicepee who took the first picture.The bicycle was invented in 1880s in England.
第3个回答  2008-11-24
Wocao! yong zhong wei yan mei ji ge ren neng da,
Ni shi zai jiao shao ba !
第4个回答  2008-11-24
suanpan xiangji wangyuan jing he zixingche,nizhege wenti w buzhi dao haha~