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截止时间为2006。5。9中午12点 很急

第三十一条 证据有以下几种:

(一) 书证;

(二) 物证;

(三) 视听资料;

(四) 证人证言;

(五) 当事人的陈述;

(六) 鉴定结论;

(七) 勘验笔录、现场笔录。


第三十二条 被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。

第三十三条 在诉讼过程中,被告不得自行向原告和证人收集证据。

第三十四条 人民法院有权要求当事人提供或者补充证据。


第三十五条 在诉讼过程中,人民法院认为对专门性问题需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定,没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。

第三十六条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,诉讼参加人可以向人民法院申请保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取保全措施。
Article 31 of the following types of evidence : (a) documentary; (2) physical evidence; (3) audio-visual information; (d) the testimony of witnesses; (v) the parties present; (6) conclusions; (7) test transcripts, the transcripts. Evidence of the Tribunal review the above is true, as can be finalized basis. 32, a specific administrative acts of the defendant have the burden of proof should be provided to the specific administrative acts on the basis of evidence and normative documents. 33, in the course of the proceedings, the defendant to the plaintiff not to gather evidence and witnesses. 34, or people's courts the right to request the parties to provide additional evidence. The people's courts have the right to relevant administrative bodies and other organizations, citizens for the transfer of evidence. 35, in the course of the proceedings, the people's courts that the specialized needs identified, it should be referred to the statutory appraisal departments identify no statutory identification sector, the People's Court designated identify sectors identified. Article 36 in the loss or possible future difficulties in obtaining evidence of the proceedings in court may apply to the preservation of evidence, the court can initiate protective measures.
第1个回答  2006-05-10
第三十一条 证据有以下几种:

(一) 书证;

(二) 物证;

(三) 视听资料;

(四) 证人证言;

(五) 当事人的陈述;

(六) 鉴定结论;

(七) 勘验笔录、现场笔录。


第三十二条 被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。

第三十三条 在诉讼过程中,被告不得自行向原告和证人收集证据。

第三十四条 人民法院有权要求当事人提供或者补充证据。


第三十五条 在诉讼过程中,人民法院认为对专门性问题需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定,没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。

第三十六条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,诉讼参加人可以向人民法院申请保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取保全措施。
Article 31 of the following types of evidence : (a) documentary; (2) physical evidence; (3) audio-visual information; (d) the testimony of witnesses; (v) the parties present; (6) conclusions; (7) test transcripts, the transcripts. Evidence of the Tribunal review the above is true, as can be finalized basis. 32, a specific administrative acts of the defendant have the burden of proof should be provided to the specific administrative acts on the basis of evidence and normative documents. 33, in the course of the proceedings, the defendant to the plaintiff not to gather evidence and witnesses. 34, or people's courts the right to request the parties to provide additional evidence. The people's courts have the right to relevant administrative bodies and other organizations, citizens for the transfer of evidence. 35, in the course of the proceedings, the people's courts that the specialized needs identified, it should be referred to the statutory appraisal departments identify no statutory identification sector, the People's Court designated identify sectors identified. Article 36 in the loss or possible future difficulties in obtaining evidence of the proceedings in court may apply to the preservation of evidence, the court can initiate protective measures.