
吃太多是用eating too much 还是eating too many

It's not good for you to eat too much。

吃:chī (形声。从口,乞声。本义:口吃,结巴)同本义(stutter;stammer)


昌为人吃。——《汉书·周昌传》 又如:吃子(口吃的人);吃吃(形容口吃或有话说不出口) 

吃=喫 ,chī:(形声。从口,契声。本义:吃东西。按:“吃”在古代一般不当“吃东西”讲。“吃东西”的意义古代写作“喫”。汉字简化后“喫”写作“吃”) 吃东西。与“喝”形成对照〖eat,take〗 



1、偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。 It is fun eating by stealth without being found。

2、你隔多久就在外面吃一次饭? How often do you eat out?

3、他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。 He is used to eating out all the time。

4、我一吃完晚饭就来这里了。 I came here immediately after having my supper.

5、你吃过晚饭了吗? Have you had your supper?

6、只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。You may eat anything, so long as you don't eat too much。

7、让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。Let's get together for lunch。

8、科学家建议人们多吃些纤维素。 Scientists are recommending that people eat more fiber。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-22
吃太多即 overeating (n.)
以上两个说法中 eating too much 是对的
eating too many 后面不跟复数名词的话就是错的
overeating is bad to you. 吃太多对你没好处本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-01-23
eating too much
吃太多对你没好处Eating too much is not good for your health
第3个回答  2010-01-23
Eating too much is not good for your health 。
第4个回答  2010-01-23
eating too much