
1. 我们利用去美国的机会大致了解了一下美国的教育情况。(take advantage of)
2.每次我去看奶奶时,她就会让我在那里过一夜。(each time)
3.只要你开心,你做什么都没有关系。(as long as)
4.随着超市和购物中心的兴起,我们购物更方便了。(with the rise of )

We took advantage of the chance of going to America to approximately find out how's the education there going.

Each time I go to see my grandma, she always asks me to stay over.
You can do everything as long as you're happy.

With th rise of shopping centers and supermarkets, it's more convenient for us to go shopping.

The teacher impressed the students of the saying ,'Where where's a will, there's a way.'
第1个回答  2010-01-03
1. We took advantage of our opportunity to travel to USA. We got a general idea about their education system. (Take advantage of)
2. Each time I went to see my grandmother; she would let me spend the night there. (Each time)
3. As long as you are happy, you may do whatever you like. (As long as)
4. With the rise of supermarkets and shopping centers, shopping became more convenient. (With the rise of)
5. The teacher impressed the students with this proverb: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” (Impress)
第2个回答  2010-01-03
We generally get to know the education condition in America, taking advantage of the chance of going to the US.
Each time I visit my grandmother, she would let me spend the night there.
It doesn't matter whatever you do as long as you are happy.
With the rise of supermarkets and shopping centers, it's more and more convenient for us to shop.
The teacher impressed every student with this proverb, "Where there is a will, there is a way".
第3个回答  2010-01-03
We took advantage of the opportunity to go to America to get acquainted with American education.

Each time I go to visit my grandma, she always asks me to stay over.

You can do anything as long as you're happy.

With the rise of supermarkets and shopping malls, it's more convenient for us to do shopping.

The teacher impressed upon the students the proverb "Where where's a will, there's a way."
第4个回答  2010-01-03
We take advantage of visting U.S.A. knowing the general situation of education in America.
At eahc time visting my Grandma, she will ask me to take a night there.
As long as you happy, does not matter what you done.
With the rise of Super Market and Shopping Center, it is more and more convinence for our shopping.
Teacher impresses students the proverb"The being ambitious matter becomes unexpectedly"
第5个回答  2010-01-03
1. We should take advantage of traveling to America to know something about their education.
2. Each time I go to see my grandmother, she would ask me to spend a night with her.
3. As long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want.
4. With the rise of supermarkets and shopping mall, it becomes more convenient to us to go shopping.
5. The teacher asks the students to impress the proverb: Where there is a will, there is a way.