英语翻译问题 急求

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即使政府度过了这场危机, 他们仍然面临着巨大的问题。(even if)
与人们的看法相反,我喜欢垃圾工这项工作。(contrary to)
她乐于从事人们需要的服务, 挨家挨户帮助照料生病的孩子。(make the rounds)
我想今晚我情愿呆在家里不出去。(rather than)
不幸的是她在爬山时把一条腿摔断了。(have + object + V-ed)
在法庭(court)上,她请求法官宽恕自己的丈夫。(have mercy on)
他脸色苍白,就好像在街上被人抢劫过似的。(as if)
我看到两个男子面对面站在那儿,一句话也没有说。(face to face)
他工作越辛苦,就越感觉快乐。(the more/less..., the more/less)
警方已开始调查这个案件,搜寻那名失踪男子。(search for)
另一名司机该对车祸负责,他应该支付损害赔偿。(be responsible for)
所有的参加者都尽了自己最大的努力,并没有让他一个人独自干。(instead of)
她已经适应了新的环境,成为了公司经理的助理。(adapt oneself to)
如果你需要帮助,你可以随时给我打电话。(Use "should" in conditional clauses to express things that might happen)
不管你感到过去的影响有多大,要下决心努力为将来作打算。(no matter)
我准备出来的地方,他准备进去。("where" to introduce an adverbial clause)
换言之,如果你不好好节食,你付出的代价就可能是心脏病了。(in other words)
有时候,只有正直才能成功地处理棘手问题。(win the day)
"那个人最后怎么样了?" "他因向敌人告密而受到惩罚。" (sell out to)
事实教育了她,爱情不存在中间道路。(middle ground)

自己翻译的,希望帮的上你哦~~ :3 需要用的单词我放在括号里了

(Even if) the government overcome this crisis, they will still have to face important problems.
(Contrary to) other people, I like the job of trash collecting.
I like to be with Annie, (so) as Jimmy.
She likes to help people in need, to (make the rounds) of the families where children are sick.
I'd (rather) stay at home tonight, (than) going out.
Unfortunately, she (has) (her leg) (broken) when she was climbing the mountain.
On the court, she begged the judge to have (mercy on) his husband.
His face is pale (as if) he has been stolen.
I saw two boys standing (face to face) without saying anything.
(The more) he worked hard, (the more) he was happy.
The government (is seeking) for the teachers approval for the new educational program.
The police has already started investigating on this case, (searching for) the missing man.
The other driver should (be responsible for) this car accident, he should pay a fee for the damages.
Every participant did his best, (instead of) letting him work alone.
She (adapted herself) to the new environment, and became the director's assistant.
You (should) call me if you need help.
(No matter) how much influential is the past, you should work hard to do some planning for the future.
He's about to enter (where) I'm leaving.
(In other words), if you don't moderate in eating,the price you'll be paying might be heart diseases.
Sometimes, being honest is the only way to (win the day).
"What happened to that guy?""He was punished after (selling out to) the enemies."
The truth taught her a lesson, there's no (middle ground) for love.
第1个回答  2010-01-04
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem.
And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job.
I like to have Annie accompany Jimmy is like.
She like to do people need service, door-to-door helping care for the sick child.
I think I'd rather stay at home tonight.
Unfortunately she in mountain climbing to a leg.
In court, she asked the judge to forgive her husband.
His pale face, just like in the street was robbed.
I saw two men stood face to face, said not a word.
His work is hard, will feel happy.
The government recently proposed for education reform of support for teachers.
The police have began to investigate this case, search for the missing man.
Another driver responsible for the accident, he shall pay damages.
All the participants do their best, and not let him alone.
She has adapted to the new environment, become a company manager assistant.
If you need help, you can call me anytime.
Whether you are past, how to influence to plan for the future.
I prepare to the place, he came in.
In other words, if you don't take on a diet, you pay could be heart disease.
Sometimes, the only right can successfully deal with tough questions.
"The man finally?" "He was punished to the enemy whistleblowing.
第2个回答  2010-01-01
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem. (that).
And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job. Contrary to (the),
I like to have Annie accompany Jimmy is like. (both)
She like to do people need service, door-to-door helping care for the sick child. The rounds (you),
I think I'd rather stay at home tonight. (the)
Unfortunately she in mountain climbing to a leg. Object + + V - (Ed) -
In court, the court (on), she asked the judge to forgive her husband. (as) acompanied.
His pale face, just like in the street was robbed. (as).
I saw two men stood face to face, said not a word. Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar (to),
His work is hard, will feel happy. (the more/the... and the /),
The government recently proposed for education reform of support for teachers. (seek)
The police have began to investigate this case, search for the missing man. Search.com (for)
Another driver responsible for the accident, he shall pay damages. Responsibility for ensuring (),
All the participants do their best, and not let him alone. (pack)
She has adapted to the new environment, become a company manager assistant. Adapt oneself to (the),
If you need help, you can call me anytime. Use "should" (conditional in clauses to express that if possible) for
Whether you are past, how to influence to plan for the future. (no matter)
I prepare to the place, he came in. (" where "an adverbial clause) school
In other words, if you don't take on a diet, you pay could be heart disease. (they are) in words
Sometimes, the only right can successfully deal with tough questions. Neuroscience (win the day),
"The man finally?" "He was punished to the enemy whistleblowing." (to sell out),
The fact that education does not exist among her love. (ground) from
第3个回答  2009-12-29
Even if the Government had overcome that crisis, they still face enormous problems. (even if)
With people's views to the contrary, I like the garbage collector in this work. (contrary to)
I like to have accompanied Anne, Jimmy, too. (so)
She is happy to engage the services people need, going door to door to help care for sick children. (make the rounds)
I think tonight I would rather stay at home do not go out. (rather than)
Unfortunately, at the time of her mountain and broke his leg. (have + object + V-ed)
In court (court), she has to ask the judge to forgive her husband. (have mercy on)
His face was pale, as if had been robbed in the street like before. (as if)
I saw two men stood face to face, did not say a word. (face to face)
The more he works hard, the more we feel happy. (the more / less ..., the more / less)
The Government is seeking for the recent education reforms proposed by the teachers for their support. (seek)
Police have started investigating the case, search for the missing man. (search for)
Another driver that is responsible for the accident, he should pay damages. (be responsible for)
All the participants have done their utmost, and did not let him do one person alone. (instead of)
She has adapted to the new environment, became the assistant manager of the company. (adapt oneself to)
If you need help, you can always give me a call. (Use "should" in conditional clauses to express things that might happen)
Whether you feel the effect of the past, how much should be determined to make other plans for the future. (no matter)
I am ready to come out of the place, he was prepared to go. ( "where" to introduce an adverbial clause)
In other words, if you are not a good diet, you pay the price, it could be a heart attack. (in other words)
Sometimes, only the integrity to be successful in dealing with thorny issues. (win the day)
"That's kind of how personal the last?" "He was punished for whistle-blowers to the enemy." (Sell out to)
The fact that educated her, and love, there is no middle ground. (middle ground)
第4个回答  2009-12-29
Even if the government spent a crisis, they still face huge problem.
And the people's views on the contrary, I like the dustmen collect the job.
I like to have Annie accompany Jimmy is like.
She like to do people need service, door-to-door helping care for the sick child.
I think I'd rather stay at home tonight.
Unfortunately she in mountain climbing to a leg.
In court, she asked the judge to forgive her husband.
His pale face, just like in the street was robbed.
I saw two men stood face to face, said not a word.
His work is hard, will feel happy.
The government recently proposed for education reform of support for teachers.
The police have began to investigate this case, search for the missing man.
Another driver responsible for the accident, he shall pay damages.
All the participants do their best, and not let him alone.
She has adapted to the new environment, become a company manager assistant.
If you need help, you can call me anytime.
Whether you are past, how to influence to plan for the future.
I prepare to the place, he came in.
In other words, if you don't take on a diet, you pay could be heart disease.
Sometimes, the only right can successfully deal with tough questions.
"The man finally?" "He was punished to the enemy whistleblowing.

The fact that education does not exist among her love.