

第1个回答  2022-06-29

1 《The very hungry caterpillar》

《 好饿的毛毛虫》


This story is simple enough for anyone to understand! This story teaches students about days of the week, a life cycle of a butterfly and about different foods. You can do a lot of follow up activities or arts and crafts to go along with this book, which will help students comprehend the story much more.

2 《Where the Wild Things Are》



This story takes you on a huge adventure and the whole time you feel like you’re right there inside the book. It teaches you about problem solving, friendship and about families.

3 《The Magic School Bus》



Amazing books for those that love science. These books are full of facts and teach you in a fun way, these also teach you many problem solving skills, communication skills, how to work with others and so on.

4 《Bear Snores On》


这个故事特别棒!它会让孩子们感到疑惑为什么贝尔熊睡觉了以及他什么时候能醒过来。 当孩子们翻阅绘本时,会有很多有趣的描述性词语供孩子们学习。这个故事一旦让孩子们扮演其中的角色,就会变得更加生动有趣。

This story is great, it will make the kids anticipate and question why the bear is sleeping and when he will wake up. There are a lot of fun descriptive words for the kids to learn as they are flipping through the pages. This story is even more fun once interpreted into acting out in class and letting the students become the characters themselves.