

1. 同位语的定义


1.1 从格(Case)的角度来定义同位语


1.2 从通俗的角度来定义同位语


1.3 同位语Appositive的词源


2. 同位语使用的例子

2.1 古文献中使用同位语的一些例子


(1) Geoffrey

Chaucer,Skeat’s Six-Volume Edition.(A,B,C,等),The Groups in Canterbury Tales.(乔叟的作品,Walter William Skeat所编辑的六卷本,《坎特伯雷故事集》中的分组) B卷1877年版句子prey eek for us,we sinful folk unstable;同样出处,1912年版句子I speke of us,we mendinants,we freres;同处出处,5.421节,小诗Beseching her of mercy and of grace,Asshe that is my lady sovereyne,I a sleep。

(2) Shakespeare Love’s Labour’s Lost IV.3.7(莎士比亚戏曲章节)有this loue…kils sheep;it kils mee,I a sheep;First Part of Henry the Fourth. I.2.16(Four Act)有by Phoebus,hee,that wand’ring nkight;Wint II 4.114有I am not yes of Percies mind,the Hotspurre of the North,he that killes me some sixe or seauen dozen of Scots;同样出处V.1.86 Prince Florizell…with his princesse(she The fairest I haue yet beheld)。

(3) Jonathan Swift,Works. Dublin 1785年版,Journal to Stella,版本Aitken. Longdon 1901年有did you never hear of Dryden Leach,he that prints the Postman?

(4) William Wordsworth,The Prelude(序言) 11.107有the auxiliarieswhich then stood Upon our side,us who were strong in love!

(5) Percy Bysshe Shelley,Poetical Works,edition Hutchinson. Oxford 1904年版227章节有Know yet not me,The Titan? he who made his agony the barrierto your else all-conquering foe?

(6) Brontë,<<Villette>>(维莱特,小说名),Longdon 1867(1852)年版有I heard one of my examiners——he of the braided surtout —— whisper to his co-professor。

(7) Charles Kipling,Barrack-Room Ballads, 1892(England Library)

69章节有I’d ha’ left it for ‘is sake—‘Im that left me by the ford。

(8) Edmund Gosse,Father and Son. Longdon. 1907版有go in and waken Mary,whom,however,they found awake,praying,she too,for the conversion of Bess.

当然,关系紧缩(relative attraction)在以上这些例句中可能也存在。

2.2 现代英语使用同位语的一些例子


(1)  Dexter , my dog, will chew your shoes if you leave them there.


(2)  Lee , my Army mate, caught a whelk while fishing for bass.


(3)  Dr. Pat , the creator of the turnip brew, sold 8 barrels on the first day.

萝卜啤酒的发明者Dr. Pat在第一天售出了8桶萝卜啤酒。

(4) The beast ,a large lion with a mane like a bonfire, wasshowing interest in our party.


(5) For the last decade, prices in Alton –a small town only 25 minutes from London–have been soaring.

最近十年,在 Alton ——一个离伦敦仅25分钟车程的小镇,物价暴涨。

3. 限定性和非限定性同位语 (Restrictive and Non-restrictive Appositives)


Peter won the lottery.

Dr. Pat sold 8 barrels on the first day.

Peter是谁?Dr. Pat又是那个?8桶啤酒又是什么东西?


        限定性同位语(Restrictive Appositive) 与非限定性同位语(Non-restrictive Appositive) 的定义:如果一个同位语对于理解句子含义来说是关键信息,则这个同位语就称为限定性同位语(Restrictive Appositive) 。如果一个同位语对于理解句子含义来说,仅是起着锦上添花的作用,去掉它并不影响句子完整含义的理解,就称为非限定性同位语(Non-restrictive Appositive) 。



My dog Dexter will chew your shoes if you leavethem there.

My Army mate Lee caught a whelk while fishing forbass.

        当一个限定性同位语没有使用标点符号来分隔的时候(例如上面2个例子和下面的第1个例子),结构将会变成[泛型+专用名词的术语结构]( generic  term-specific term);反之,加了标点符号,就变成了[专用名词+泛型术语的术语结构]( specific term-generic term )。


My sister Dawn might actually be an angel. (结构是 [generic term-specific term].)

Dawn, my sister, might actually be an angel. (结构是[specific term-generic term].)



He demanded just one thing: loyalty. 他只有一个要求:忠诚。


4. 现实生活中同位语的例子

(1) It is the perpetual dread of fear, the fear of fear, that shapes the face of a brave man. (French author Georges Bernanos)

是永久性的恐惧——恐惧中的恐惧,塑造了一个勇敢男人的面容。(法国作者Georges Bernanos)

(2) LouEpstein, the oldest, shortest, and baldest of the three Epstein brothers,barely looked up from the cash register when Alfred entered the store. (extractfrom The Contender by Robert Lipsyte)

Lou Epstein,是Epstein三兄弟中最年长的,最矮的,谢顶最严重的一位,当Alfred进入商店时,他几乎没有从收银台抬起头来。(摘自Robert Lipsyte的<<角逐者>>)

使用术语 namely, that is, 来引入同位语也非常普遍,看以下例子:

(1) A clairvoyant is a person,commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible toher patron – namely, that he is a blockhead. (Author Ambrose Bierce)



(2) There is but one law for all , namely, that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator,the law of humanity, justice and equity – the law of nature and of nations. (Anglo-Irish statesmanEdmund Burke)

在所有法则中只有一个法律,也就是说,这个法律在所有法律中占主导地位,是造物者的法律,人性的法律,正义与公平的法律——自然和国家的法律。(盎格鲁-爱尔兰政治家Edmund Burke)

(这种情况很少见, 但是同位语可以写成排比句式。称为同义词排比表达法或同义表法( commoratio ),是修辞学中的一种,故意用重复性含义的同义词来达到这样的表达效果.)

(2) Is it really fair for the government –i.e., the taxpayers – to provide people with cell phones? (Actor TimGriffin)

政府这样做真的公平吗?也就是说,纳税人向人们提供手机。(演员Tim Griffin)

(当你的读者可能需要花一会儿功夫来理解为什么它是一个同位语的时候,用了一个同位语来介绍(这儿是 i.e.) 就显得物别有用, 也就是说,用了一个术语换一种方式来描述这个名词)

        同位语Appositive一词来自于拉丁语ad和position,含义就是“靠近”和“位置”。一个同位语几乎总是位于其重命名或者换一种方式表述的名词的最近的右侧附近。尽管如此,偶尔也有出现在离名词稍远的位置。 比如:

Panic sproutedagain,desperate fleeing panic,but there was nowhere to flee to. (extract from The Hitchhiker's Guide to theGalaxy by Douglas Adams)

又孳生恐慌,极度渴望逃离恐慌,但无处可逃。(摘自Douglas Adams的《银河系漫游指南》)


He knew wha t his wish  wouldbe:the ability to turn stones into gold.


5. 为什么我应该重视同位语?


5.1 理由之一:同位语是增加信息的有效方式


(1) Alexander Graham  Bell,the man credited with inventing the first telephone, was declared one of the country'sgreatest inventors in 1936.

据信Alexander Graham Bell是第一个发明电话的人,在1963年被宣布为这个国家最传大的发明者之一。

(2) Elizabeth I ,the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn,became Queen of England in 1558.

Elizabeth一世,是Henry八世和Anne Boleyn的女儿,在公元1558年成了英格兰国王。

(3) In his 1835 paper published in the Magazine of Natural History, Edward

Blyth,an acquaintance of Charles Darwin's, had documented all the leading tenets of Darwin's work 24years ahead of Darwin's 1859 paper  On the Origin of Species.

Edward Blyth 是 Charles Darwin's的一个熟人,在1835年发表在自然历史杂志上的论文,已经以文档记录的方式提出了关于物种起源的领导原则,比Darwin的1859年的论文提出此问题早了24年。

(注意,第一个同位语是怎样用逗号分隔的,但是第二个, 以 [泛型-专用名词结构], 不是吗.)


5.1 理由之二:一个同位语可以增强强调作用。


(1) It is the  perpetual dread of fear,the fear of fear, that shapes the face of a brave man.

是永久性的恐惧——恐惧中的恐惧,塑造了一个勇敢男人的面容。(法国作者Georges Bernanos)

(2) This tale ,this tragic tale, was full of cruel wars,savage devastation, unnecessary deaths and the inevitable search for bloodyvengeance.



(1) To pass thiscourse you need just one trait :determination.


(当一个同位语以这种形式表达时,称为 强调同位语 。)

(2) Most oftoday's Western philosophies are based on the thoughts and teachings of  the  big three:Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.


6. 同位语的关键点总结

(1) 使用一个同位数,也即,你的名词的重命名或一个新的表达,将有趣信息或者详细描述插入你的句子中而又不破坏你的句子结构。

(2) 使用同位语来产生“近重复”,设置一个你的想法的一个同义词,赋予它强调作用。

(3) 产生强调的一个颇具有文学性的策略: 强调同位语。