

第1个回答  2010-02-24
give advice忠告
give away赠送
give back归还
give birth to生小孩
give ear to倾听
give expression to表达意思
give in屈服
give off发出/放出
give oneself away现出原形
give out分发
give over中止
give up 放弃,认输
第2个回答  2010-02-28
你好!give back归还;give off释放;give up放弃;give a ride让……搭车。
第3个回答  2010-02-25
1. be given to热衷于,嗜好,很喜欢
2. give a lick and a promise草率应付;草率从事
3. give as good as one gets回敬,以牙还牙;毫不示弱地反击
4. give best[口语]向…认输;承认不如
5. give it away[澳大利亚俚语]放弃;停止
6. give it hot[口语]痛斥;严惩
7. give it to (someone)[口语]处罚;痛骂;痛打;让(某人)尝尝厉害

8. give it to someone straight对某人直言不讳
9. give me…[口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择
10. give me a pain(某人、某物等)使我厌恶[见 pain]
11. give of oneself(为帮助别人而)贡献自己的时间和精力
12. give one a brush off把…打发走;不理睬…
13. give one a leg up助某人一臂之力
14. give oneself away(无意地)泄露秘密;露出马脚
15. give oneself out as (或 for, to be)自称是…
16. give oneself over to沉溺于;嗜好[亦作 be given over to]
17. give oneself to沉溺于,迷恋于;埋头于
18. give oneself up投案,自首
19. give oneself up to献身于,委身于;沉溺于,热衷于
20. give one's right arm to have something想方设法获得某物
21. give or take(估计)相差不到…,出入至多
22. give someone a backhanded compliment给某人讽刺挖苦的恭维话
23. give someone a break给人以(改进、补救的)机会
24. give someone a dusting见 dusting
25. give someone a free hand给予某人办某事的充分自由
26. give someone a hand帮某人一把
27. give someone shit胡说;给人添麻烦
28. give someone something to cry for (或 about)对某人无缘无故的号哭加以惩罚
29. give someone tennis neck使穷于应付
30. give someone the run-around推诿;迟迟不把真情说出来
31. give someone the third degree盘问某人
32. give someone the works[美国俚语](开玩笑地、恶意地)折磨某人;给某人吃苦头
33. give someone to understand (或 believe, know, etc.)使(某人)了解(或相信,知道等)
34. give someone what for[俚语]严厉惩罚某人,痛打某人
35. give something the old college花很大的力气做某事
36. give the back of one's hands拒绝;蔑视;侮辱
37. give the game away泄露机密本回答被网友采纳