

Should we purchase products involving piracy?
As we all know, China has always been accused for the use of piracy in producing luxeries and other products, at the same time, China is working very hard to try to bann piracy.
Piracy violates the rights of the real producers of a product, it is against copyright, by law it should be stopped. If piracy occurs too common, this would discourage artists, designers and other sorts of inventors to creat their own masterpieces, causing damage to our society as a whole.
Nevertheless. many agrues products produced from piracy does not effect the rights of the consumers. Using LV as an example, many factories in southern China produces LV bags, in the morrning they produce for the LV in France, at night they produces for the black market. These LV bags doesn't have any difference in quality. So why spend thousands rather than 100RMB for something of the same quality?
There's no absolute right or wrong, however, before thinking about our own rights, think about others, and how much time they had devoted into their products. Piracy is stealing, it is heart breaking for the owner of a product.
第1个回答  2010-01-06