

In the spring of the spring azalea is fragrance curl, spring is the singing birds, the spring is rich multicolored decorations. In my grandmother's house in front of the garden, there are two charming cuckoo. Spring, they quietly listen to behind the river Hua Lala song and sky butterfly tell, enjoy the intimacy of the touching and sunshine of spring girl, slowly, slowly opened the floret. This afternoon, I ran into the garden, with open arms, free to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Suddenly, two beautiful butterflies in one direction, I quickly followed by the past. I saw them in the beautiful cuckoo, sucking the nectar. I could not help but go up, carefully observe the gorgeous cuckoo flowers: five pieces of pale rose red petals, the top three linked together, the following two separate, looks like a pink starfish. "Yes!" I can't help but admire the way. After a while, the butterfly flew away, I hand gently stroked petals was found in the middle of petals on some rose red dots, even together, like Chinese medicine in barley. The long pistil, like a proud queen with a golden crown, Bengtiyouduo proud. When surrounded around the pistil stamen, as the guardian of the Queen's guards. The cuckoo is not only beautiful, but also beautiful. The green leaves shining in the sun, like a piece of jade. A breeze blowing, leaves gently swaying, looked very pretty and charming. Such leaves hold such a flower, this flower silhouetted against such leaves, coupled with the blue sky, white clouds, green trees, green grass, constitute the a harmonious picture of spring. Standing in the flowers of me, as if to a paradise on earth. I love the cuckoo, the more love this vibrant spring.
春天里的杜鹃花   春天是清香袅袅的,春天是百鸟欢唱的,春天更是花团锦簇的。   在我奶奶家门前的花园里,有两株迷人的杜鹃花。春天,她们静静的听着屋后小河哗啦啦的歌声和天空中蝴蝶的诉说,尽情享受春姑娘的抚摸和阳光的亲昵,慢慢地,慢慢地开出了一朵朵小花。   今天下午,我跑到花园里,张开双臂,自由地享受这温暖的阳光。忽然,两只美丽的蝴蝶朝一个方向飞去,我赶忙跟了过去。只见它们停在美丽的杜鹃花上,贪婪地吮吸着花蜜。我忍不住凑上前去,仔细观察这艳丽的杜鹃花:五片淡玫瑰红的花瓣,上面三瓣连在一起,下面两瓣分开着,看上去就像一只只粉红色的海星。“真美!”我忍不住赞叹道。过了一会儿,蝴蝶飞走了,我便用手轻轻地抚摸着花瓣,发现中间的花瓣上有些玫瑰红的小点点,连在一起,就像中药里的薏米。那长长的雌蕊,像高傲的女王带着金黄色的皇冠,甭提有多神气。雄蕊们围绕在雌蕊周围,像守护女王的卫士。   杜鹃花不仅花儿美丽,她的叶子也同样漂亮。那翠绿的叶子在阳光的照耀下,像一块块碧玉。一阵微风拂过,叶子轻轻地摇曳着,显得婀娜多姿。   这样的叶托起这样的花,这样的花映衬着这样的叶,再加上蓝天、白云,碧树、绿草,构成了一幅和谐的春景图。站在花丛中的我,仿佛来到了人间仙境。  我爱杜鹃花,更爱这生机勃勃的春天。