
(1)The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forget___. A anything else B something else C nothing else D everything else 为什么选D 不选B 呢? (2) ____of them like this song A Every B Each C None D Neither 为什么选C 不选A或B (3)You don't seem quite yourself today.什么意思、、? (4)-Who is playing the piano in the next room? - _____is Li Ping's brother A This B That C It D She 为什么选C (5) -Who is dancing there? - -______is Bob's sister A He B It C This D There 为什么选C

1. 原句的意思是:这两个朋友见面太高兴了,以至于忘了(所有其他事)。 something是指:另外的一些东西 2.none后接of引起的短语特指“某些人或物中没有一个”+谓语动词可单数可复数,其余只能用单数 3.你今天看起来不对劲 4.此处it指代未知的人 5.因为是Bob's sister所以A排除,还有不是there be句型,所以D也排除。应该是理由同第四题选B吧