


"Don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow has its own worries. One day's difficulties are enough." Jesus has some very clever teachings, and this is one of them.

中国人喜欢说:人无远虑,必有近忧。这当然也对。不过,远虑是无穷尽的,必须适可而止。Chinese people like to say: if one has no foresight, there must be immediate worries. Of course that's right. However, foresight is endless and must be enough.

有一些远虑,可以预见也可以预作筹划,不妨就预作筹划,以解除近忧。有一些远虑,可以预见却无法预作筹划,那就暂且搁下吧,车到山前自有路,何必让它提前成为近忧。If you have some foresight, you can foresee and plan in advance. You might as well plan in advance to relieve your immediate worries.There are some foresight, can be foreseen but can not be planned, then put it aside for a while, the car has its own way to the mountain, why let it  become a    near-term worry ahead of time.


There are some foresight, completely unforeseeable, then there is no need to always have a kind of inexplicable worry, torturing themselves. In short, you should try to put less worry in your heart and keep a relaxed and bright state of mind.